Scope for Large Caliber Rifle

The way I see it is there is no need to spend a lot on "glass". I will not need to "look at" what I am shooting. For this scope I will only be interested in durability of crosshairs as suggested
Leupold VX-3's and up use glass etched recticles.
I would think a 3.5-10 may work, you can catch them on sale for $400.
Back in the 80's used a 375H&H Whitworth Expess rifle for everything from Impala to Cape buffalo with a quick detachable Leupold fixed 4X that would return to exact zero when removed/replaced. Worked quite well and proved to be quite durable over a few trips….My longest shot was a Kudu at 300 yards…Plenty of power for accurate shots for the distances encountered…But I think there are better scope options available today.
Back in the 80's used a 375H&H Whitworth Expess rifle for everything from Impala to Cape buffalo with a quick detachable Leupold fixed 4X that would return to exact zero when removed/replaced. Worked quite well and proved to be quite durable over a few trips….My longest shot was a Kudu at 300 yards…Plenty of power for accurate shots for the distances encountered…But I think there are better scope options available today.
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Great looking Kudu. I too have QD bases and rings and iron sights in case I need to be in thick brush. I set up one for me and one for my son like that.
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I just got back from Tanzania hunting buffalo with a .375 HH. I have a leupold 3X9 with an illuminated dot reticle. I don't think I ever took it off 3 power except to confirm it at the range. I will tell you however that in my mind, an illuminated dot is mandatory on a DG rifle. I shot 3 buff, the first one was at 25 yards. it was laying down in a dark patch of trees. I would not have been able to see my cross hairs if not for the red dot. my second buff was running at 80 yards and I simply used the red dot and pulled the trigger. 3rd one was turning to run at 30 yards and I once again, put the red dot on his shoulder and pulled the trigger as he was turning to leave.
I am looking for advice on a scope for a 375 H&H for Africa. I think I need it to be relatively low power and for sure able to withstand the heavy recoil. Thanks for any and all advice.

I've had two different scopes on my 458 win mag and it's got the modern Big Five each time while on loan. I originally went with the Burris 2-10 because I was going to be doing plains game. Then we got into a talk about thick scrub hunting at a Safari Club International event and Ziess 1-6 power came up.

I used max loaded 510 gr RSP for elephant and cape b. Lions and everything else I was using the Barns 405 X bullets until they released the 450's at one of the international events. I bought a bunch of bronze solids I think 500 grain and never used them.

It shot in practice hundreds and hundreds and never broke the scopes. 26 inch and max loaded. I ware a short sleeved padded shooting jacket and when I was younger I could do about 20 rounds bench shooting. Now I feel like I need a chiropractor after about 10 LOL
There seems to be bit of a trend showing the older Leupold Vari-X III's being a solid scope on heavy recoil rifles!

Gladly, we have several of them in various configurations! 😉 memtb
I broke one (1.5-5x VX-III) just ahead of my 2001 trip to Zim for cape buffalo. Was on my .458 WM and I think I had placed the scope ring around the front lens in the scope tube. Front lens cracked heavily and it was unusable. Leupold was great and quickly replaced it in time for my trip. I was more careful with mounting on the next one.

Carried that rifle for 3 days chasing buffalo herds each day. Just couldn't get a shot on the right one. On the 4th day, I grabbed my "light rifle" (375 H&H with a 2.5-8x Leupold) as we left the Land Cruiser to chase some Kudu. Randomly came across a buffalo herd with a huge old bull. A couple of 300 grain Swift A-Frames at +2,500 fps followed by a 300 grain Barnes solid did the job and put him in the dirt. Awesome trip/hunt/experience!
I broke one (1.5-5x VX-III) just ahead of my 2001 trip to Zim for cape buffalo. Was on my .458 WM and I think I had placed the scope ring around the front lens in the scope tube. Front lens cracked heavily and it was unusable. Leupold was great and quickly replaced it in time for my trip. I was more careful with mounting on the next one.

Carried that rifle for 3 days chasing buffalo herds each day. Just couldn't get a shot on the right one. On the 4th day, I grabbed my "light rifle" (375 H&H with a 2.5-8x Leupold) as we left the Land Cruiser to chase some Kudu. Randomly came across a buffalo herd with a huge old bull. A couple of 300 grain Swift A-Frames at +2,500 fps followed by a 300 grain Barnes solid did the job and put him in the dirt. Awesome trip/hunt/experience!
Can't ever tighten rings around lenses. Big no-no!