Whats the worse most dangerous hunt you ever went on ?

Most Game Wardens I have met are very pleasant and deserving of respect for the job they do. There are exceptions to this in every line of work.
This reminds me of probably the closest I have come to kicking the bucket on a hunt. It was a solo hunt in some of roughest areas I have hunted. Record high temperatures and four miles deep. I was stupid to be packing a climbing tree stand, pack and rifle. Shot a buck that came out on TVA power line at approximately 300 yards away. It was not a great shot and the deer ran and fell in the bottom of the deepest ravine of the day. I thought I could drag it to the single rack trail by myself. 1.5 hours later I was completely exhausted and over heated. I was convinced that the truck was only a relatively easy drag away. So off I went. Another 4.5 hours later of dragging the dear, tree stand, pack and rifle was pure torture. I became very light headed and fell in heap on the trail. Very fortunate to have packed enough water. The closest I have ever come to fatal heat stroke.
I was checking the dear in later that evening and a Warden was there. I young guy was in front of me was grinning from ear to ear with a great buck in his truck. The warden was checking his deer and tag and noticed his tag did not have the date cut out. The jerk warden took this guys deer and wrote him a citation. The young hunter was literally crying and begging the warden not to take his deer. This warden just stated this will teach you to follow the regulations in the future. I voiced my displeasure with his actions, and only received a threatening response.
I, personally, knew a game warden in PA. A great guy and more than fair. His replacement was a real horses *** and after talking with others who have had interactions with other game wardens
throughout the state, they've all pretty much had negative opinions of them. I'd like to know what kind of $h!t they fill their heads with in training.
The worse warde i ever saw were federal forstery wardens .The guy beside me had a copper head try to bite him so he hit it with a rock and stick .The warden saw him do it and waited two hours to make sure the snake was ok .He was trying to write the guy a $750 ticket for killing the snake which is legal here .The warden kept sticking his head up to the snake hole to look for the snake .
During a deer hunt in the middle of Nevada. My friend and I were hiking up valley in the thick Aspen grove that had just started to turn yellow higher up. When I heard these strange sounds passing through the trees above us. Then I heard the far off booms of rifles echoing down through the valley. These jerks were shooting down into the Aspen to kick out any deer that might be hanging out. So I ran to the side of the trees where I thought the shots were comming from. They were continuing to shoot and I plopped my bypods down on a rock and started scanning way up above me and up the canyon. I saw movement 400 plus yards elevation way up below these rock faces. A guy with a red hunting hat and plaid shirt. So I started firing 10 yards above him into the rock faces. Just kept pounding away... Then I see these two guys running as hard as they could left , so I just kept it up shooting about 30 yard behind them chasing them! They had to run about a 1/2 mile before they dissappeard. LOL My barrel was getting hot anyway. :)

I hunt with a 8X32- 60 mm 270AI with a 29 inch barrel. I might have been shooting 169.5 grain VLD's and they make a terrific pop when they hit on flat faced rocks. Lot's of morons out there. My friends son was killed in a bear hunting accident where his buddy heard or saw movement in the bushes and blasted him with a 340 weatherby.
I, personally, knew a game warden in PA. A great guy and more than fair. His replacement was a real horses *** and after talking with others who have had interactions with other game wardens
throughout the state, they've all pretty much had negative opinions of them. I'd like to know what kind of $h!t they fill their heads with in training.
Game wardens of old were woodsmen. Grew up on farms and hunted themselves.Today,s crop are idealists. Protect to wild dip S%&$s. Had a female warden give me and my friend a ticket at a State shooting range because my 22 pistol rounds were not hitting the base of the mountain two hundred yards away, I was shooting at a target on a frame at twenty yards. The bullets were hitting the ground at about seventy yards. She said that they could skip over the eight hundred foot ridge behind the range and strike a house five miles away. As I said before, I was friends with several other GWs, the guy with the robo deer was the second highest warden in the state.she disappeared from this area. I wasn't the only person to complain about her.
Game wardens of old were woodsmen. Grew up on farms and hunted themselves.Today,s crop are idealists. Protect to wild dip S%&$s. Had a female warden give me and my friend a ticket at a State shooting range because my 22 pistol rounds were not hitting the base of the mountain two hundred yards away, I was shooting at a target on a frame at twenty yards. The bullets were hitting the ground at about seventy yards. She said that they could skip over the eight hundred foot ridge behind the range and strike a house five miles away. As I said before, I was friends with several other GWs, the guy with the robo deer was the second highest warden in the state.she disappeared from this area. I wasn't the only person to complain about her.
My son went to the local game lands range just before closing to see if he could find any discarded brass that could still be reloaded. A game warden showed up and threatened to arrest him "because that brass was the property of the Game Commission". Yeah, right! We think he was there to police brass for himself.

In another instance, a friend was just finishing up hunting and approaching his car when he heard shooting. He turned and saw a deer in full gallop running past. He then took a shot bringing the deer down, dead. As he approached the deer another hunter with his son came raising Holy hell saying his son shot the deer. My friend, not wanting to cause a fight, told them to take it. As luck would have it, there was a game warden close by and the father complained to him on what happened. The game warden cited my friend, for what I don't know, maybe shooting too close to the road, but told my friend he was only issuing the citation to shut the guy up and for my friend to request a hearing where he would withdraw the charge. The hearing was held and the charge WAS NOT withdrawn.
Never had any issues with wardens in Oregon or the brown shirts in the troopers in Alaska. My job has me dealing with troopers, nmfs, and all manner of other enforcement agencies on the regular. In all those years only had but one negative interaction with a trooper we called trooper fife.

Several years ago ran into the legendary Florida fwc... began to understand why so many in those parts fantasize about deep holes down the back roads...
Imprudent is a word that comes to mind!
It`s the dark of night. You`re alone, huddled by your campfire deep in big bear country ( Grizzly, Alaskan brown, take your pick ). Beside you leaning against the log upon which you sit is your trusty .223 bolt gun with a mag of 77grain TMKs. That`s it. Do you feel safe and confident that you have all the firepower you need to protect you should a hungry and/or aggressive bear gets " curious "?
It`s the dark of night. You`re alone, huddled by your campfire deep in big bear country ( Grizzly, Alaskan brown, take your pick ). Beside you leaning against the log upon which you sit is your trusty .223 bolt gun with a mag of 77grain TMKs. That`s it. Do you feel safe and confident that you have all the firepower you need to protect you should a hungry and/or aggressive bear gets " curious "?
(enter explicit here) no!
Never had any issues with wardens in Oregon or the brown shirts in the troopers in Alaska. My job has me dealing with troopers, nmfs, and all manner of other enforcement agencies on the regular. In all those years only had but one negative interaction with a trooper we called trooper fife.

Several years ago ran into the legendary Florida fwc... began to understand why so many in those parts fantasize about deep holes down the back roads...
Growing up hunting in oregon, I've had nothing but positive interactions with wardens. I got a very firm but gentle *** chewing from one, which was entirely deserved. As a younger man, i was on a closed road that I knew better than to be on. We had a conversation as to why that was an issue, and a warning to stay on the open roads for the remainder of season. Maybe it's regional, but that's how every interaction has gone that myself or my family have had with wardens here.