What gun would you want if the SHTF?


So many people have “a plan” that is no plan at all except “well I’m armed” (and I’ll admit at this point in my life I’m one of them 🤣 - the difference is I know it and ain’t kidding myself). Won’t matter much. Beats being unarmed with no plan or preparation for sure, but if you don’t have any plan for food, water, shelter, medicine/medical supplies, mobility, and your plan and your survival are contingent upon access to gasoline and a functional electrical grid…yeah having a gun is about the ONLY thing you’ve got going for you and I predict you die or find yourself “conquered” or worse soon enough.

The really funny thing to me is when, as you say, some folks consider themselves prepared for the apocalypse by virtue of having dozens of guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition…and about one weeks worth of food supplies 🤣🤣🤦🏻🥴🤦🏻🥴. That’s just hilarious to me. And they say well we can hunt food and grow food…if **** has actually hit the fan the first few weeks ain’t gonna be a good time to be out hunting 🤣. Good grief people don’t actually think about what this will all entail.

And I certainly see the value in having guns an ammo to arm more than just yourself, but a community, a militia. That makes sense under some circumstances. But if that’s not why you’re stocking up that much ammo….i heard it best from an old guy kind of dismissing or poking fun at a younger fella bragging about how much ammo he had saved for “the apocalypse”

“Boy if your plan is to survive enough firefights to actually need all that you’re one hell of an optimist” 🤣.

Again, no other supplies or plan besides guns and ammo. I’m with the old guy on this assessment.
For the Zombie Apocalypse, you work at the perfect place, you have everything you need right in front of you. 👍
Agree, followed closely by or in addition to a high quality AR 15 in 5.56/223 for the same reasons. The 223 will afford better hunting results on larger game than rabbits/squirrels also 2 legged targets.
I've personally seen deer drop to the 22 LR. And cows, pigs, etc, etc. No need for a 223 unless if you are in need of further shots with better ballistics.
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When the SHTF : What If it's your own government to seize all weapons they will use the national guard or nato troops they will move at a time when your sleeping or around 1 pm when most people are at work leavening most homes less defendable your kids at school will be on lock down and marshal law will be declared what are your chances to defend your self and family at this point from home if your not there unless national. guard members or military members warn us forehand or some one in the loop of planning. informs the people not to go to work that day and be prepared to defend your family . That's what the white house and it's regime want's to do. If you have no weapon's to defend your family what can we do when China or Russia come at us who will be the leader in the one world order then. This is just another thought. on when SHTF.
That is not what the White House wants to do. You and I may disagree with the current administration, but I will guarantee even if Biden is re-elected none of what you say will be even 1% true.
I’d like to have my Windham arms 308 for med range my Kimber 10 mm for the sneaky little basterds lurking in the shadows, my ruger precision rimfire suppressed for meat and my sig cross in 6.5 creed . I’ve got enough powder bullets and primers to last 5 years shooting selectively and 5 years of loaded ammo shooting selectively before that. Got big out supplies to and live very close to the mountains
Everyone said the same thing about Obama, 8 years and it didn't happen. 4 years of Biden so far, didn't happen. They are as crooked as any republican for sure, but declaring martial law while your kids are at school is just Alex jones level propaganda.

You folks can deny it all you want. It generally doesn’t happen overnight, it comes incrementally. With some of the recent proposals by the present “powers that be”, R’s, D’s, and numerous alphabet organizations ….we are rapidly becoming 1930’s Germany.

History may be repeating itself….right here in America! memtb
You folks can deny it all you want. It generally doesn't happen overnight, it comes incrementally. With some of the recent proposals by the present "powers that be", R's, D's, and numerous alphabet organizations ….we are rapidly becoming 1930's Germany.

History may be repeating itself….right here in America! memtb

It doesn’t happen overnight…but it does happen in the middle of the day while your kids are at school?