Another Casual
Well-Known Member
You are absolutely wrong about the motivation of Gates and his group also known as the Illuminadi and their goal is the New World Order. We are to dumb in their eyes to know what's in our own best interests. And since they are so much smarter than us, their elite little group need to have complete control in order to save the planet and us from our selves!!! Unfortunately in order for their plan to work they need to reduce the world population by 1/3 to 1/2 to be sustainable. And since they are so much smarter than us they will be the ones to choose who to eliminate! Our Constitutional Republic is in their way, and all our guns are a problem for them because we are just stupid enough to fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!! As for your THEORY about population spikes. Islam has always had 2 methods of attack on their enemies. The direct approach if they think they can win in an armed conflict. Or through attrition of their enemies are to powerfull. The come into a country, settle into tight communities and start pumping out babies. They don't assemalat into the new country's way of life or beliefs but instead raise the next generation to hate their new country and teach that with the help of Allah their generation or the next will overthrow the infidels and put them under Sharia law!!!! Since the inception of Islam this has been the pattern. How else do you think we got Islamic women in Congress. Minnesota is now nearing majority Islam and has been quietly trying to succeed. Obama flew plane loads of Muslims into this country and settled them into these enclaves. One such is Deerborn MN. If you as a woman stop in Deerborn alone, without a burka you are subject to be raped and murdered under Sharia law. Truckers are told to avoid these areas!!! If you don't believe me, try it. Let us know how it turnes out. I'll wait!
I don't even know where to start here. This entire tirade (and the last few you have posted) are completely off topic and unrelated to this thread or reality. I would implore you to question the motives of whatever echo chamber convinced you that any of this is factual.
I've never been to MN, but if I ever go I'll certainly take you up on your very scary and totally real challenge of stopping in Deerborn.