USPS disgust….

DO NOT accept the settlement. That will end the claim. You might be able to resolve this in 2 ways.
1) small claims court.
2) local TV Channel that resolves issues. Here in Boston we have 3 channels (ABC, NBC, Fox) that do this/

Just like the injury lawers say on their adds do not accept the first offer. That closes the case and they (UPS, USPS, Fedex ) win and save money.
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Insured to $700.00 and received $318.90 back….
You can pretty easily file a suite against them in small claims court or against any shipper . I have had to sue UPS three times. Their local terminal manager bonus markers include paid claims. So the local terminal manager denys every claim. They settled on the courthouse steps one of the three and before the courthouse steps on the other two
Signature required = All single people take a day off work for every delivery and hope they bother to deliver it that day?
Someone should file a class action lawsuit against carriers for fraud because they took money for insurance they never intended to pay.
Not much difference between Ins & taxes these days. lol
I retired from Usps 3 years ago and over the 33 years I worked for them, at contract time all USPS wanted to do was to cut jobs and services. A package, doesn't usually get lost , it ends up somewhere. The problem is that any identification of the package is lost . The destination and return address is gone , so there is no end game as to where to send it . In the office I worked at , small rural town, we had a pile of merchandise in a store room , all loose items with no labels. A word to the wise to help if your packaging gets separated from the item, tape a note stating the intended destination and the return address. Make it so it can't come off , use a sharpie or some kind of permanent marker to make it obvious who it belongs too and where it's from or where it's going . I would call the regional office near the final destination and ask if the item is in the lost and found area or if any office has an item like what you lost. Sad to say, but you yourself , have a better chance of locating the item by calling around. Sadly the majority of employees at USPS are depressed from working under the conditions, no caring involved, always heard "it's not my job", probably true with ups and FedEx too.
I feel your pain. I have had two different issues with UPS. Both times guns disappeared. Fortunately, I had someone with me the first time. They helped me box them up and turn them in at the UPS office. The first time, there were two guns, and they cut the top off the box, took out one gun, put the tape back on it, and delivered it. The thieves used different tape too. I fought for 4 months, and they never paid on the insurance that I paid a lot of $ to get. The second time the package was delivered empty. Luckily, I took pics of how it was sent, and UPS said I didn't secure it well enough, and it was my fault, no payment, again. Very frustrating when you spend over $100 to insure a package and get nothing for it. Still ****ed and it has been 10 years!
I will have to agree with hunter 0528. DON'T accept partial payment or you have agreed to the claim. I had similar experience with usps, but we have a very nice postmaster. She told me she had a certain amount of authority to pay a claim herself. She tried to track it a it went to a postal distribution center and ended there. She said someone there most likely stole it. She asked me to give it 30days after which I took my credit card statement and she paid me in full.
So I used my local post office back on January 18th to ship a stock back to Mesa to open a barrel channel up. In the process USPS lost my stock. I have fought with them since the first part of February to either find it or reimburse me. After phone call after call after call and submitting a claim with the exact invoice and credit card statement they continued to deny my claim. Luckily I got a local postal worker to step in to see this through. Received a "reimbursement settlement" of HALF of my stock costs to replace! HALF! While half is better than nothing it still ****es me off to no end that they were responsible for the handling of my package to and from and THEY lost it! And I get is half of what my item is worth to replace! Just beware and spend a little extra on other carriers with your valuables!
Get the postmaster name and office. Write your congressmen with information. I think you'll get some action. The people that oversee at the very top level don't like to hear about it. **** rows down hill. In the Army that was there biggest fear was hearing from a congressman or senator.
I had a friend son that was PTSD out from Iraq several years ago. The Army was after him. I had his parents get in contact with there congress about. A Major at the fort was playing hard ball. That ended and the kid was given a Honorable Discharge, and got help at the VA. What happen to the Major I don't know, but he wasn't around after that. I check up on the young man from time to time. Doing fine now. He was about to take his own life at that time.
So roll it up hill and watch it drop. It won't hurt for sure.
USPS, in my experience, is the best of all shippers about paying claims. They'll want evidence of damage during shipping, like the beat up box it was shipped in. Also they will only pay for the actual value of the loss, meaning that even if you buy $1500 insurance and the current value is $750, $750 is what you will get.
Never had a problem. UPS is much more reluctant to pay a claim and FedEx doesn't even offer shipping insurance.
Come on guys, you're adults. You know in every occupation, doctors, lawyers, gunsmiths, etc., there are good workers and lazy/bad workers. Just because there is one bad worker doesn't mean everyone working there is bad. In the OPs case of being financially shorted for his stock, that's a bad USPS manager decision. File a complaint against the manager or employ a lawyer or as suggested contact your congressman and go after him/her. Don't label the entire USPS as bad. Don't cash the $318 check as the law considers that accepting or agreeing to the compromised payment.
...begging sellers only to ship via USPS because loss/theft was so much higher via UPS and FedEx than USPS.

As a few have already pointed out, none are perfect. And even at that I understand it can vary by area. However, in my area USPS is pretty much useless except for filling my mailbox with junk. I'm pretty sure they can't even find their own ******* to wipe and doubt they even try. But, I've never had a problem with UPS or Fedex. Not one.
I would be filing criminal complaint via USPS Postal Inspector site. I would want them involved not local.

I would also file criminal complaint especially if firearm with state and local LEO.

ATF does not require a carrier to report a firearm stolen in transit but they have a form to do so. I would ratchet up as much regulatory oversight into a USPS firearm theft as possible.

Document every communication, documents received.

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