Only about 10°F. It's Arizona but I have no blood antifreeze. It was not fun. Even my black powder was freezing and had to be scraped out each time I was back at camp. Last cold hunt for me.
LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣! Usually still in Spring jackets at 10 Degrees...and generally a pair of running shoes...most often though slip on Dawgs!
The best part about my coldest hunts was I was younger. I am going hunting in the Bighorns this weekend. We just got 6 inches of snow down today, and I'm sure there is a lot more at 10,000 feet. Here I am praying for sunshine and 60 degrees. Yes, I can feel the age setting in.
Every year past 70 seems to double or triple effort. I leave in 2 weeks for CO and holy cow it takes longer to giddyup!
Oh I hate the cold. Went to Saskatchewan one year for late season deer. Back when you could pop across the border and get a tag over the counter. It was about -20 when the north wind started blowing. Guide had us set up in tree stands too, the naked metal chair kind. I had brought all my military gear. Parka, wool sweater, long John's, mickey mouse boots, snow pants, face mask and big mitts . First two hours wasn't awful but the next few were. Hit a windchill of -40 by the time we climbed back in the snow cat. No deer, no birds, just silence for three days. Best part of the trip was the card games at the cabin. I was going to say "poker" games at the cabin but it just didnt sound right.
I envy some of you guys. Unfortunately it never seems to get very cold during deer season here in TN, because I like cold weather and I hate hunting when it's warm. It's not uncommon to have temps in the 60's after Thanksgiving and right up to Christmas. Later in January the temps will occasionally drop down into the teens and 20's though. I fondly remember hunting in the snow once. It was magical, sitting under a tree while the snow fell, and everything was dead quite. As far as just being out in cold weather, I have found 20 degrees to be my cut-off for whitewater paddling due to my hands getting too cold. Also sucks having to sit in the truck for fifteen minutes at the takeout just to thaw out so that you can remove your skirt and PFD that is completely iced over.
Skipglo, the tolerances and laughs would be reversed in Arizona summer at 110-120F. Now, LMAO!!! :) :) :) Personal experiences, imprinting sure drive our perceptions......
BRO...contrary to public belief South of the border...we don't actually live in Igloos and unlike Muddyboots....have snowshoes for feet....hottest summer in almost 90 years...9-10 weeks over 85.. days hitting high 90s..we have a/C in our houses....but...don't shiver...until -10 or wear socks unless in work boots till then either....and unlike Arizona...just like JC...we can and DO walk on WATER...4- 5 months of the year....give this one a try🤣....personal experiences
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