You know its a good morning when

"You know it's a good morning when"
You had your first lease when you were 15 years old paid a dollar an acre. But now you have a small farm place and you find yourself sitting in a box blind watching the day break and it's fifty two years later. Truly Gods blessing. I thank my Savior for each day, each day is a blessing
I have $33.00 buried in my back yard in a mason jar. It's my retirement fund.
Sitting same spot from Tuesday, deer running all over the swamp. 72 degrees they don't care. Cold front coming in tonight. Hugh tomorrow low 40's. They sense the change I bet!
1 degree this morning. Stay warm Muddy 😉

1 degree this morning. Stay warm Muddy 😉View attachment 408692
That's usually what the temp is here when they start rutting or worse. Two year ago it was 9- 11 below the entire week we spent in the Missouri River breaks. We did kill two nice bucks though. We did a lot of glassing from the Ranger. I like Muddy's temps better.

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