Worth the weight penalty?


Jan 10, 2025
I have a very accurate.270 win with a 3-9 accupoint mil dot. I use a 2.5-15x42 on a different rifle for longer hunting. Was thinking of getting another to be able to stretch out Fieldcraft .270. Worth the extra 12 oz? The .270 win is 7lb 4oz loaded now.
get the new swarovski z5+
light weight and a lot of good features
There is only one way to find out. Swap the scope over to the Fieldcraft and see how you like it. If you don't like it on the Fieldcraft don't keep it on there.
The 7lbs 4oz includes an ultra 7 suppressor. It will likely balance slightly better but free hand the forward weight seems to help.
I would say it depends on how far you are planning to shoot. Your 3-9 may be perfectly adequate for the way you hunt. Since you already have a 2.5-15 you can set them side by side and see the advantage of the higher magnification at distance. As far as weight goes, you could pick up some car wheel weights equal to the weight difference, wrap them in bubble wrap and tape them to the rifle to see the change in balance, etc.
I build light rifles so I can put heavy optics on top. 26oz to 35oz means nothing to me. I like high mag so I have it when I need it and great glass.
If there is one area that I'm willing to sacrifice some weight savings, it's in my scope. It all has to be within limit though, there are some scopes around 40 oz, with 56mm lens and giant turrets that have awesome glass but would never be great for a hunting rifle.