leupold vx1 worth the money?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2008
Northern, IN
I see every distributer is running non stop sales on these models. Was wondering if there worth the 170-180 price tag or if a nikon in same price would be a better purchase. Looking for a couple decent scopes to throw on a couple rifles, that I won't be dialing turrets on. More of a brush beating type gun, or if I have a buddy that needs to borrow a rifle. Just want decent glass and hold zero and handle a little abuse.
I've got a VX-1 (2x-7x) on a Marlin 336C 30-30...OliverAlan just took year old buck with it last Saturday. It is a nice little scope, gets bashed around in my truck and in the woods. My 14 year old has claimed it and he tries to be careful, but he nocks it around. Glass is not bad either.

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