Working up loads for magnums

Might be taboo, but I use a Hyskore rest that Iv'e doctored up that is mounted to a break room table that is strapped to the front end of my quad trailer. It's at the perfect height to stand inside the trailer tongue framework and shoot with a remote release. I use this for load development and when I have a load that is money, then I shoot without it and work on technique. My nephew and I have recently developed loads for two 300 win mags and a 7 mag with it. Mainly it takes out the human element until the load is for certain. The rest itself is a *** from the factory but with some work it is effective and saves the shoulder for shooting loads that are known to be accurate.
I have a particular distaste for heavy hunting rifles.
Besides a good brake. I think another element to not getting beat up from recoil on a lightweight magnum is buy a quality stock that fits you well.
Oh yeah... practice good form with smaller calibers.
Just my 2 cents.
I've gotten a lot out of this thread , thanks for all info. The one other thing I'm getting out of this thread I'm not the only sissy pants😀. When I said something to my wife about the 338 recoil the other day , she says all come on you can handle it
That would make shooting very miserable...
In addition to the recoil reduction, what other advantages have you gained by installing a brake? The other thing I would like to get an advantage of is a quicker return to natural point of aim.

With the seven pound 6.5 Coyle, which is about like a .264 Win Mag I can see impacts at 100 yards with the scope set on 20X. Therefore it has no recovery time. The .375, although painless, is still slightly high off target but by the time I work the bolt I don't have to search for the target. I work the bolt with the rifle still at the shoulder.
Well, honestly, the noise and shock wave can be down right obnoxious when shooting a magnum with a brake which I have found leads to me being all alone on the firing line at my local club. I count that as an advantage. 😉
Isn't that the truth! They definitely work but I've shot a few that felt like someone reached up inside my sinuses and rattled my brain!

I used to make brakes to test for my entertainment. I made one that vibrated so bad my Proof Research stock broke right behind the trigger guard. The vibration felt like when I was a kid and broke a bat hitting a ball, except much, much worse. I thought the action blew up but then realized I was holding two parts; the fore end in one hand and the rest of the rifle in the other. Another one I made vibrated on my son-in-law's rifle. I added another slot and it became totally smooth to fire. Lots of stuff going on with the expanding gas I never realized before.
@Upsidedownjack @Rich Coyle
With what you have recommended and the research that I dug further into on brakes, I'm going to have one installed. The smith has an opening and will have it back to me by Friday evening.
I'm sure that you will feel the Difference to your liking! Be Warned, the Noise on either side will be "Unbelievable Loud"! So, people standing around, sitting alongside Will Not LIKE YOU!🤣😂🤣😂☠️
This Break was built by a Guy here in Port LaVaca Texas Just ran some 45 rounds Downrange, this afternoon. No red on shoulder and not (NOT) using a Sled!LOL😂😂😂300 WM


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