Wish us luck.

Seems to be a slower year this year. Last summer's EHD outbreak in the southern part of the state didn't help. Also many of the large corn fields didn't come done, with some still standing. Around my specific area, shots have in low numbers but, some fair bucks have been taken. Today's the last day of the regular firearm season, with an 11 day wait for the muzz season. Crops should all be down by then, giving better chances to score.

I noted the same thing the last 2 days in Hillsdale County where I was hunting. Less deer, but there was still standing corn which may have hurt as much as anything. They were harvesting corn even yesterday afternoon while we were hunting. When the deer can still eat and hide in the corn then they don't show up in front of the hunters.

My son did take a nice doe yesterday, so at least some good came of it.
Well my regular firearm season ended up being a bust. With all the bad weather during the season and crops still up, it was hard for most to see legal antlered deer. I seen none. Although I could have taken does, it exceptionally rare that I ever take one during the regular firearm season and didn't this year.

With the season ending on the 30th, they'll get a 13 days to calm down and most all hunters that come north will be gone for the winter. The economy must be getting better, as there were more hunters in the north woods this year in quite some time. Crops are now all down and with colder weather, just find the food sources.

Its time to back the bench up and shoot longer range and get ready for hunting over those picked corn fields. Now..... rather I'll get to hunt or not is another million dollar question. I may end up with eye surgery which may completely ruin the muzz season. Eyes are important and if I have to miss a season, I won't like it but, health is more important.
Well my regular firearm season ended up being a bust. With all the bad weather during the season and crops still up, it was hard for most to see legal antlered deer. I seen none. Although I could have taken does, it exceptionally rare that I ever take one during the regular firearm season and didn't this year.

With the season ending on the 30th, they'll get a 13 days to calm down and most all hunters that come north will be gone for the winter. The economy must be getting better, as there were more hunters in the north woods this year in quite some time. Crops are now all down and with colder weather, just find the food sources.

Its time to back the bench up and shoot longer range and get ready for hunting over those picked corn fields. Now..... rather I'll get to hunt or not is another million dollar question. I may end up with eye surgery which may completely ruin the muzz season. Eyes are important and if I have to miss a season, I won't like it but, health is more important.

Heres to hopin no surgery!

Im a muzzle loader virgin, my father in law just bought me a cva wolf as a starter gun so the next time i get home ill be headin to his house to sight it in( came with base and rings and i have a nikon 3-9x40 in the closet for it) deer season was a bust in northeast mo as well, cwd to our south and blue tounge all around..
Niether me nor my FIL have ever shot nor hunted with a ml( hes had a cva optima sittin in his gun cabinet for two years)
Well I ended up with "tag soup" this year.

Once the regular firearm season starts, the bucks in this area hi-tail it for the swamps, where its so thick, its hard for a rabbit to get around. However there's always a "chance" and IMO that's what its all about anyway.

I seen plenty of does that I could have taken but, like always I hold out until the last few days. This year it was a mistake. We were dumped on by snow and the deer yarded for the first time in about five years. Some fawns, mostly buttons, were around, but I won't take them. I had one evening set where I thought it might happen with a doe but, I only had 2 minutes of legal shooting light and it was snowing like crazy with wind. Just to dark and bad weather to take a 250 yd. shot, so I packed it up. During the last couple days of the season, we received another 10" on top of the 18" that we already had. I thought about getting out the snowshoes and trying to run one down. They might have the advantage in the first couple jumps, but after that I'd gain on them. :)

It was a FUN season regardless. I got a lot of fresh air, seen lots of wildlife and feel blessed that I was even able to hunt. I have another eye surgery scheduled for right after the first of the year. Hope that's the last of that.

I grew up hunting in mid-Michigan, I ditched the shotgun for a muzzleloader when I was 15 and never went back.

Sorry your season didn't go well. If it were me, and I had permission on the land with standing corn, I'd have a light, short ML with open sights (like my old Traditions Deerhunter or T/C Omega X7) in hand and be still-hunting that corn. I've lost count of the number of deer I've killed that way. With even a 5mph wind, move carefully and there is so much noise in a dry cornfield that they will never hear you coming. They don't expect danger in corn so their guard is down.
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