It's not rocket science. Use a die that compliments ur chamber. One pass, no willis. Tough, huh?

The problem is....you buy a resizing die, and you get what you get. Of course everybody wants a no-brainer and the perfect die, that fits their perfect chamber, on a perfect day, in a perfect world.....what are we talking about again?
When I ordered my MK 248 mod1 and my 8x57 reamers, the only CHG I made was neck and freebore dia.s. Both reamers already sized perfectly for my shelf RCBS dies. Imagine that, hey Brent.
You don't have clue how much you don't understand what's going on.
The absalutely best you can resize to a belt is the headspace plus the radius on the die which means your not sizing to the belt, any sizing your getting with a conventional die is simply the sized brass pulling in just enough to get it functional. All of my belted cases size only about .0005 down right in front of the belt which is enough that I've rarely needed the Willis die, my reamers match the dies very well and I can hold my headspace to what ever tenth I want and my chambers are nuts on and I still will never get that last little bit fully sized.
I've made dies trying to get it done and you will shave the brass and push the belt by the time you have something that resembles resized right in front of the belt.
The Willis die is the same as needing a small base die or a custom die to fight a to tight of chamber that you can't get the web quite sized and you get clickers.
You can be well inside Saami specs and still not have things perfectly matched!!
Bng, that's nice. Never had the probs u guys list. Perhaps ur pushing the envelope too much. Carry on.

U ladies need to go beltless.
I'm still lost. o_O Thought I'd spot check on the progress (or lack thereof) here one last time. I'm gone...:)
I cry Uncle :D
I was not aware that your 8x57 even had a belt. Explains why you never need a Willis Die.
When I ordered my MK 248 mod1 and my 8x57 reamers, the only CHG I made was neck and freebore dia.s. Both reamers already sized perfectly for my shelf RCBS dies. Imagine that, hey Brent.
Bng, yeah, I understand. I hate to go textbook, cuz Brent might start crying again, and I don't care to hafta sweep up his tears.

Anyway, if ur going overpressure, perhaps ur cases r not recoverable. Ya think?
Where are these clowns coming from, did some forum like 24 hour ban a bunch of trolls recently and they had to search out another place, geez!!
It's unfortunate that on a serious site such as this one when someone asks for help, gets it , and then argues the answers and answers his own question.
It's unfortunate that on a serious site such as this one when someone asks for help, gets it , and then argues the answers and answers his own question.

If u wish to engage in serious conversation, that's great, as long as ur honest in it. Name calling has no place.

I asked pertinent questions in posts 1 & 3. Those questions are still waiting.
It's unfortunate that on a serious site such as this one when someone asks for help, gets it , and then argues the answers and answers his own question.

If u wish to engage in serious conversation, that's great, as long as ur honest in it. Name calling has no place.

I asked pertinent questions in posts 1 & 3. Those questions are still waiting
If you feel the post was directed at you then could you tell me what name I called you

Did I say u called me a name?
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