The problem is resizing a belted mag case back to Saami pushes the shoulder way back and drastically shortens life so most headspace of the shoulder like a conventional case leaving more area than normal barely or not sized right in front of the belt.
When ur case expands then ur fl die returns the case to sammi max (or -).

As bigngreen stated the problem lies with the belt on the case. Due to this case design sometimes the area just north of the belt doesn't get reduced enough and causes hard chambering. The Willis collet slips over the case right down to the belt and reduces this area so as to make chambering easy. Much of this also has to do with the size of your perticular chamber. I have 5 different belted mag chamberings and only have this problem with 2 of them. The rest are generally good, but depends on the brass. If the brass is soft then the problem seems to come about more often.
The problem is resizing a belted mag case back to Saami pushes the shoulder way back and drastically shortens life so most headspace of the shoulder like a conventional case leaving more area than normal barely or not sized right in front of the belt.

In that case ur fl die is not dimensionally correct for your chamber dimensions. This problem is at the shoulder, not the web.
As bigngreen stated the problem lies with the belt on the case. Due to this case design sometimes the area just north of the belt doesn't get reduced enough and causes hard chambering. The Willis collet slips over the case right down to the belt and reduces this area so as to make chambering easy. Much of this also has to do with the size of your perticular chamber. I have 5 different belted mag chamberings and only have this problem with 2 of them. The rest are generally good, but depends on the brass. If the brass is soft then the problem seems to come about more often.

The case is expected to expand at the web. The fl die resizing here is expected, required and simple.
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morning, Feenix is so right. this die is made for magnum cases. pricey,
but the die works. if a reloader shoots magnum cases, best own one
of these dies. GBOT TUM
A few take offs from video...

Case width gage- is not needed. I have asked it's size, but got no response.

F.l. die plows brass back? BIG BS.

Using belt for h.s., that is it's function. There r other methods.

Hottest loads? Does this infer over pressure here. If it does, you r beyond case design parameters. The belt is not at fault here.

Fellas, sizing the web is simple and straight forward. Ur problems lie elsewhere.
Simple. U need to run a fl die that is dimentionally correct for ur chamber. One pass and done.

If u r experiencing case separation, ur die is too short.
Simple. U need to run a fl die that is dimentionally correct for ur chamber. One pass and done.

If u r experiencing case separation, ur die is too short.

Are you suggesting everyone get custom dies for every individual belted mag?

Truthfully, this is not a die issue at all. This is a problem caused sloppy oversized chambers that allow the brass to expand excessively when fired. Properly chambered rifles should not have this problem.
Simple. U need to run a fl die that is dimentionally correct for ur chamber. One pass and done.

If u r experiencing case separation, ur die is too short.

I'm lost. If you knew the answer to your question, why did you ask the question in the first place?

I don't know how much Larry charges for his specialty die. When I had a FL sizing die that wouldn't reduce the case diameter sufficiently near the case head, I solved the problem by grinding the top shoulder portion of a spare full length resizing die off with the die submerged in water to keep it cool. I also ground some off the base of the spare FL sizing die. Then I was able to shift the remainder of the die down lower in the press to reduce the case diameter near the case head until the cases would chamber, without ever affecting the the case head to shoulder headspace length.

Unless you have a wildcat chamber on your rifle, it might be cheaper to just buy another FL sizing die for your cartridge and take the grinder to it. FL sizing dies are relatively inexpensive for standard commercial factory cartridges.
Factory chambers should be sammi max. RCBS knows this, and dials their fl to size for that dimension. I can't speak for other makers.

Because of all the negative backlash about the belted case, and positive but confused proponents of the Willis die, I chose to engage conversation on both. I am glad for all that participate. It is a necessary reckoning.
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I believe some will grind the top of their shell holder, or perhaps use the redding variable sized set. But realize, to get ur web dimension in compliance, u r changing headspace at the same time.
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