I believe some will grind the top of their shell holder, or perhaps use the redding variable sized set. But realize, to get ur web dimension in compliance, u r changing headspace at the same time.

Yes! This is the point we're trying to make! When you run your case into a SAAMI spec'd FL sizing die the headspace changes TOO much when you FL size to the belt.

This sizing problem leads the shooter to do abnormal things to achieve proper headspace to maximize case life while properly sizing the case. e.g. Willis die, shaving shell holders, shaving dies etc.
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A sammi dimensioned die should bring a case into perfect compliance with a sammi max chamber. Your suggestion would be a chamber which is longer than sammi max.
A sammi dimensioned die should bring a case into perfect compliance with a sammi max chamber. Your suggestion would be a chamber which is longer than sammi max.

Yes, that's another point we're making. SAAMI spec unnecessarily relies on the belt for headspace. Reloaders understand that to achieve maximum case life you need to headspace off the shoulder to keep from overworking your brass.
Look, for the web to resize properly, the bottom of the case must reach and camover on the shell holder. Then, ur base to shoulder distance has to fit to the chamber shoulder -.000" or -.001" if u want clearance. That's all.
U won't hear Willis explain it.

Your "reloading manual" instruction clearly indicates that this issue exceeds your capacity to understand what occurs beyond basic reloading concepts. Thank you for wasting our time with instruction that doesn't solve the problems regarding issues commonly encountered with belted mags. I hope people are able enough to wade through the BS to get their answer.
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Lol....seen the "Reloading for Accuracy" thread? I agree with you, but there is apparently an army of full length resizers out there.
Yes, that's another point we're making. SAAMI spec unnecessarily relies on the belt for headspace. Reloaders understand that to achieve maximum case life you need to headspace off the shoulder to keep from overworking your brass.

In reference to my previous post.

Resizing the web is not head spacing at the belt. I am head spacing at the shoulder, with no need for a Willis die.
I used to b like some here. Thinking I'll partial resize. Good groups, tight chambering. Then, I went f.l., guess what? 0.001" bump, smooth closure, same group size.

Do u know more than the die makers? I imagine so, right Brent?
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