I wouldn't say "over my dead body", But I guarantee you that I am not registering my guns or giving them up. "They" can do whatever "they" want to do about it. If every other gun owner felt and did the same, the authorities would be in quite a pickle. Can you imagine millions of arrests and/or possible armed/scuffles with otherwise law-abiding citizens. I totally agree that as individuals we are weak and strength comes from be unified and organized. When push comes to shove, that's what sticking together means.
Back in the day, our forefathers risked everything, property and life, and the odds weren't exactly in their favor.
How very insightful!
As far as rhetoric goes, we need to be thoughtful in our approach. We need to be able to effectively influence and persuade. But when push comes to shove, all the rhetoric and internet forum typing doesn't mean jack if we are not willing to make a stand for our constitutional rights.
I personally don't think the gun grabbers are going to get this one through, but then again, I thought Obamacare would be struck down. We already have one very significant supreme court ruling in our favor. The proposed bans and restriction are HUGE infringements on 2nd Amendment rights. The 2nd Amendment is the Law of the LAND period. Until they change or remove the 2nd Amendment, I will stand on that Law.
This is much more important than our individuals gun collections. We can not let them mow down Constitutional rights. The 1st Amendment will soon follow the 2nd and so on. It will be a political power coupe.
Like I said, I don't think my 2 democratic Senators, Backus and Tester will support this ban. Baucus did vote fore the 1994 AWB, so that is a little concerning, but this bill goes way beyond the 1st and it will upset a lot of Montanans. They have for the most part, voted pro gun. We need to keep the pressure on them.