Why shoot a sissy rifle?

alright….. sooo WUT happened to this thread haha let's get this back on track. Let's get this soon to be dumpster fire back on track haha holy smokes!

Everything Is Fine Burn GIF
Well it's taken me up to 31 pages to work up the courage to find out what category I fall in if just maybe I might load 6.5 cm for a friend but not actually own one? Asking for a friend!!!!
And you only watch Little Mermaid because your little girl likes it, but you know all the songs by heart and sing them even when your not watching the movie with her? It's ok, we all do it...right? Everyone?
WTH ? Did you lift a box of pencils today ? 😉 taker easy brother. I dont want you crippled like me this year if you come out. I tired of packing ... get some rest. Talk tomorrow.
No BS several years ago I reached down to pick up an empty zip loc bag and snapped two titanium hardware screws in my back. I felt them pop. You could wiggle the head of the screws around with your thumb. Wasn't painful but some angles sure changed. Dr. And I got a good laugh at that one and he got a fat check for replacing them. But the more I think about it I could have had a slight Man Bun shift that threw everything out of kilter. I was growing one out in anticipation for the Creedmore release.