Why no love for the Sig optics?

"Importers" like Sig and Vortex buy their stuff dirt cheap. They offer unlimited warranties and just figure they will replace a certain percentage. You can buy some pretty good range finders and specify whatever you want direct from China. Check out:

Just change the rubber housing and you have your own new brand. BTW, all the technology China offers in these rangefinders is from "forced technology transfers", The tech originated in the USA.
Currently have six of the Sig Tango scopes for various rifles.....ie. Tikka T3X TAC A1 6.5CM; Barrett MRADs with 6 caliber conversions.....6.5CM/308/300WM/338LM/7mmRM/300NM; Barrett M1107As...50BMG; Ruger RPR 6mm, and Ruger RPR .22LR:
Tango 4 4-16x42?? one
Tango 4 6-25x50 one
Tango 6 4-25x50 one
Tango 6 5-30x56 three
Paid $1641, $1651, and $1475 delivered for the 5-30 scopes. Find that to be a great price for features/quality experienced. Note: 5-30 scopes are discontinued as of 9/18. Have found them to track precisely, clear glass (on par with my NF ATACR 5-35 and Vortex Razor HD G2 4.5-27x56....to my old eyes), really like the Level-Plex in scope level; illumination very nice; MOA Dev-L reticles are really nice for hold off...not too cluttered like Horus; turrets feel acceptably crisp. Only detractions are the lack of OFF between each illumination setting as on the Tango 4 (what were they thinking?? Why not??); and, weight....but I'm not clearing structures or humping up mountains. As with the Vortex shadow brown color, I'm not wild about the Sig gray but, it does match the Barrett MRAD and M107A1 in Titanium Gray in my two Barrett rainbows, and is OK on the Tikka.
Considering picking up more Tango 6 5-30 for other rifles at those price points.
Why no love? Look around at all the players. Do we really need more players? There are enough players to make your head spin out of control.
Currently have six of the Sig Tango scopes for various rifles.....ie. Tikka T3X TAC A1 6.5CM; Barrett MRADs with 6 caliber conversions.....6.5CM/308/300WM/338LM/7mmRM/300NM; Barrett M1107As...50BMG; Ruger RPR 6mm, and Ruger RPR .22LR:
Tango 4 4-16x42?? one
Tango 4 6-25x50 one
Tango 6 4-25x50 one
Tango 6 5-30x56 three
Paid $1641, $1651, and $1475 delivered for the 5-30 scopes. Find that to be a great price for features/quality experienced. Note: 5-30 scopes are discontinued as of 9/18. Have found them to track precisely, clear glass (on par with my NF ATACR 5-35 and Vortex Razor HD G2 4.5-27x56....to my old eyes), really like the Level-Plex in scope level; illumination very nice; MOA Dev-L reticles are really nice for hold off...not too cluttered like Horus; turrets feel acceptably crisp. Only detractions are the lack of OFF between each illumination setting as on the Tango 4 (what were they thinking?? Why not??); and, weight....but I'm not clearing structures or humping up mountains. As with the Vortex shadow brown color, I'm not wild about the Sig gray but, it does match the Barrett MRAD and M107A1 in Titanium Gray in my two Barrett rainbows, and is OK on the Tikka.
Considering picking up more Tango 6 5-30 for other rifles at those price points.
Just reviewed the 2019 Sig catalog. Appears the Tango6 5-30,4-25 are still in the product line. Part numbers changed ie. from SOT 65013 to SOT65113 changing color from gray to black. Appears all other features are unchanged. For 40% of MSRP, I'll live with the gray instead of black.
The basic problem with this scope is that Sig doesn't manufacture scopes so therefore you get horrible service when something goes wrong with it and the main problem with it is it doesn't say anything on it like Swarovski or Nightforce in my opinion.
OK, I'll say it.

I think the reason is simply because there are too many people that are so invested in their high dollar scopes that they can't accept that there might be a scope on par, with the same components from the same factory, for much less money (cognitive dissonance).

What you're paying for is the QC, the warranty, and the customer service when one or both of the former fall flat.
I have several Sig Tango scopes, I find them to be just perfect for my price points. I also own Kahles and Swarovski, Zeiss and Vortex. I may purchase a Sig Whiskey for my light hunting rifle. Obviously the glass in Kahles and Swarovski are better but at 50% less expensive the Sigs are the best value out there.
As mentioned earlier, Sig does not make their scopes, but neither does a lot of other manf. Sig buys in bulk and has there name put on it. That is just business. I use the Sig Romeo 5 dot sights, but they are just fancy Holosuns. I love the Romeo's. Back when Sig first brought out their 1911 line, there was nothing in that pistol that was made by Sig, nothing. I had purchased one of the new Tract 30mm scopes with the Schott glass. After getting it, and researching more about Schott glass, I had come to find out on this web site that not only Tract, but other top, top name Euro companies use the same Schott glass. The difference is the coatings that the top companies have up their sleeves. I am sure the Sig scopes are as good as comparable optics in that price range. Product loyalty. Back when I was building 1911 pistols, everyone thought that if the pistol was not built on a Colt , it was not going to be any good. That has been proven wrong by many a thousands of rounds down range. Same for MIM parts, quality MIM is as good as most anything else. Works on 400 hp Corvette connecting rods.
OK, I'll say it.

I think the reason is simply because there are too many people that are so invested in their high dollar scopes that they can't accept that there might be a scope on par, with the same components from the same factory, for much less money (cognitive dissonance).

What you're paying for is the QC, the warranty, and the customer service when one or both of the former fall flat.

If their customer service and warranty sucks it isn't worth dealing with them...Also, this whole no fault VIP vortex type warranty is priceless. I know people will say those warranties are to compensate for an inferior product. But I had a horse roll down a small hill with my rifle attached to it. So glad it was a vortex, that scope got totally F'd up - they overnighted me a new one so I could keep the hunt going. SIG is going to have to at least match that kind of customer service from Vortex as a new player in the industry. They don't have the reputation of Leupold or Nightforce to lean on.
I will never buy anything Sig. I was on a State Police Tactical team for 20 yrs, our Coordinators picked Sig 550 and 551 piston driven .223's. They were terrible, accuracy wise and malfunctions, ie; double feeds, failure to extract, etc...we tried several new magazines, and switched out mags with other rifles, so it wasn't the mags..we called Sig and they were telling us we were not using their issued grease, not setting the gas piston up correct, blah blah, which was total horse****. Finally, we sent 6 rifles up to the Sig Academy in New Hampshire, they supposedly worked on em, our guys get up there, the sig guys are telling our guys everything is good. Next day they all go to shoot, and the first magazine Tpr. Koch fires, the rifle malfunctions with a double feed.
We got rid of them and got a real AR, Colt Commando's. Sig's were good when they were made in Germany. When Ron Cohen took over, he started outsourcing part production to Israel, who in turn started outsourced it to India. Now the parts are made using metal injection molding, or "Indomim". Cheap
If their customer service and warranty sucks it isn't worth dealing with them...Also, this whole no fault VIP vortex type warranty is priceless. I know people will say those warranties are to compensate for an inferior product. But I had a horse roll down a small hill with my rifle attached to it. So glad it was a vortex, that scope got totally F'd up - they overnighted me a new one so I could keep the hunt going. SIG is going to have to at least match that kind of customer service from Vortex as a new player in the industry. They don't have the reputation of Leupold or Nightforce to lean on.
I will say that I had a fantastic experience with their customer service on a rangefinder. They replaced my kilo 2000 with an upgraded kilo 2200, paid for shipping both ways, and had a turn around time of around 3 weeks. And on top of that, the reason for the failure was my mishandling of the product, and I even told them that, and they still replaced it. After having it for a couple years the laser lense was completely scratched up from bouncing around in the center console of my jeep, in a patch pocket on dusty pronghorn and prairie dog hunts, getting dropped in the dirt, etc. I know you had a bad experience, but the vast majority of people that I have heard anything from report a different experience. Perhaps the few people you dealt with was the deuch bag crew....
If their customer service and warranty sucks it isn't worth dealing with them...Also, this whole no fault VIP vortex type warranty is priceless. I know people will say those warranties are to compensate for an inferior product. But I had a horse roll down a small hill with my rifle attached to it. So glad it was a vortex, that scope got totally F'd up - they overnighted me a new one so I could keep the hunt going. SIG is going to have to at least match that kind of customer service from Vortex as a new player in the industry. They don't have the reputation of Leupold or Nightforce to lean on.
Thank you for touching on that, it was intended to be addressed in my two cents, but it was turning into a novel. I whole heartedly agree your assesment regarding the misconceptions of a lifetime warranty denoting an inferior product. Sig does have a reputation to atone for in the firearms side of the house, we'll have to see if their optics fare any better than the anecdotal samples offered.
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