Why no love for the Sig optics?

Hey guys, just wondering why there's no love out here for the sig optics? I bought a tango 6 on a good sale. From all the reviews I've read, the glass is supposed to be on par with the atacr. It's FFP with illuminated reticle, has electronic level, zero stop, and locking turrets. Seems like a very feature rich optic for the price. The tracking reviews I've read said it tracts as close to perfect as possible, something like 0.4% error. Other than the fact it weighs a ton, what's not to like?

It boils down to personal preference. Why worry about how others feel about it, "if" your happy with it, that's all it matters ... just saying.
Yeah, not crazy about the color either, but I was going to color match it to my rifle anyway.

I had hs precision paint my stock that urban camo color and it looked pretty good with the graphite scope. its still an acquired taste and probably a turn off for some people.
It boils down to personal preference. Why worry about how others feel about it, "if" your happy with it, that's all it matters ... just saying.
I agree, I'm just fairly limited in my experience with higher quality optics. I like mine but also didn't want to point anyone else in a bad direction if there were issues I had not encountered yet.
Hey guys, just wondering why there's no love out here for the sig optics? I bought a tango 6 on a good sale. From all the reviews I've read, the glass is supposed to be on par with the atacr. It's FFP with illuminated reticle, has electronic level, zero stop, and locking turrets. Seems like a very feature rich optic for the price. The tracking reviews I've read said it tracts as close to perfect as possible, something like 0.4% error. Other than the fact it weighs a ton, what's not to like?
Turrets are so small numbers i mean very hard to read during hunting conditions
I competed in the mammoth sniper challenge last weekend. There were 3 guys in my squad who where running the sig whiskey 6. There were about 160 competitors, so if that's a normal spread among squads, that means there were another 25 or so sigs out there. They didn't have any complaints. Well minus their shooting ability, but we all shot pretty poorly. It was a hard course.
I'm goimg to be putting a whiskey 5 5-25 on a custom hunting focused 338 Norma magnum, I'll report my findings from it.
Thats the same one I have on my 204 - its the moa version with the duplex illuminated dot reticle and exposed elevation turret. It feels good, I am interested to hear how yours hold up to the 338...the 204 was apparently too much gun for my first one - lol
I had one on my 6.5 for a while that was a buddy's. When we shot partner shoots he would shoot my gun, but he had his scope on it. I thought the eyebox and FOV on it were pretty limited, and I also thought the turrets were pretty mushy. I have an Athlon Cronus BTR on my 6, and I thought there was a pretty noticeable difference in glass quality when switching between the two, with a definitive nod to the Athlon. I was just overall pretty unimpressed with it. It did seem to track well however, and he shot well with that optic on my gun.
I have one Sig Sauer- Tango 6 3-18x44.

I traded a Bushnell LRSHi 3.5-18x44. I do feel like I got the better end of the trade.
Both scopes have excellent glass, I'd call it equal. Both tracked well for me.

However, I do like the Tango reticle better... I've never been able to shoot well with circle reticles. I really like the target dot in the Sig... It is quite useful when I'm punching paper.

I know it's personal preference but I do like the gray finish better over the matte.

I know I'll go Sig again before I buy another Bushnell.
To be fair mine has gone from gun case to bench and back to case. Pretty soft treatment. But Groundhog season isn't too far off and that will be a more real test?
It's on a 22-250 so recoil is pretty light..But I want to give the scope a fair chance.
I would like to comment on sig as company. I recently returned from an elk hunt in NM and I had placed my Sig range finder in an ammo can with many items (a bottle of Rem oil) The rem oil bottle leaked and soaked the kilo 2200 lrh range finder. I called sig and they sent a prepaid shipping label to return it. A week later they sent a new replacement two day air at no cost to me. Will definitely look to them in future for scope purchase.
Trying the 5-25 w5 out now, so far it is a very capable optic for the price point glass compares well with the ATACR's I run, tracking out to 1150 yrds and back to multiple zero cks has been good. This is lowest cost peice of glass I own other than one SHV, and I really am liking it so far.
They must be based out of Oregon as they were at my range a few weeks ago torture testing a bunch of optics on the action range. I'll bet they went through 10,000 rounds of ammo in the hour I was there at the rimfire range - sounded like world war 3 starting. They must have had 1000 mags pre-loaded. The range officer that visited me said their layout was insane. I've seen a few guys at the range with their scope that communicates via bluetooth with their rangefinder and dials their dope automatically for them and they seem pleased.
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