When I was stationed out in VA in the early 90s I made some friends out your way in Iron Gate. Great crow numbers in the fall out there. The landowners would let me and a buddy camp on their land just down from the confluence of the Cowpasture and Jackson? rivers. The crows would roost up on the ridge above the river. At the time, the land on our side of the river was tillable - corn and beans. We would set up in the corn stubble with one decoy. We learned that they would send a scout down first. He would land in the stub of a tree on the field trail between fields and give the all clear. Once he gave the 'Safe to come eat' call, the rest would start dropping down in bunches of 5 to 30. As long as we were set up in time and killed that scout crow they just kept coming, and the shooting didn't seem to bother the birds up on the ridge. We had a lot of 50+ crow days and rarely killed fewer than 20 in a morning. I really miss the crow, turkey, bear, dove, and deer hunting in Virginia.