Who do you get a solid position W/shooting sticks?

The best position I have found using shooting sticks comes from my experience shooting long range with blackpowder cartridge sharps rifles. Sit Indian style with your legs crossed. The lay the stock (NOT THE BARREL) of your firearm in the cross sticks or shooting sticks. Wedge your elbows into the folds of your knees, then lean just slightly into the gun. This provides as steady of a position with sticks as I've found. Unfortunately many of the stoney point sticks I've tried are too long for me, and I have the best results with a homemade set. Using them with this position I can lay round after round with a 45-70 into a 8 inch circle at 200 meters with open sights. With a centerfire and scope, you should find this nearly as good as prone. (of course nothing is better than prone) Hope this helps

Back in 1965 I believe i owned the very first pair of shooting sticks-- least in the part of Pa. where i lived then-they were the only ones. I have used them and others like them to take animals from Groundhogs to elk out to 600 yds.
Go to any place that sells hardwood dial rods-4ft to 4 1/2 feet and drill each end-both sticks and then screw in four dry wall screws, cut the ends off with a hack saw.

Lie down on the floor and set the sticks down and hold them with one hand-set you rifle in the sticks lying down and find the height that works for you. Mark them and drill them-put a small bolt through them with a washer in the center and at both ends of the bolt. Tighten the nut then cut the end of the bolt off and hit the end to blunt the bolt and keep the nut from backing off.
You can shoot lying down-sitting or kneeling.
Only thing you have to be carefull of is sticking your buddy while walking beside him- make a great walking stick too. Cost- about 5 bucks.

Leep Out:
The mountain men have a long history of using cross-sticks for shooting. Most folks don't want to carry them around in their original form, but sticks like the Stoney Points that fold up pretty small and weigh about half a pound are a great solution.
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