High shoulder/neck-shoulder junction when possible but just in general the chest region, i'll explain more. I've done quite a few different shots over the years, some deliberate (lots of heart, lung), some not having hit where I meant. Got very lucky and learned a lot one time as a teenager, hit a bit high and back and ended up hitting it in the liver, all but blew up the liver (270, 130 soft points, inside
150 yards...you know what that looks like). The thing just froze right there, staggered very drunkenly maybe 10 steps, piled up. Lifted its head twice then it was over. To this day I have never seen a heartshot deer freeze and go down like that. Later learned that in boxing a left hook to the liver (midway down right side of torso) can incapacitate a person more brutally than a punch to the face sometimes. Was actually a good visual lesson to refrain from excessive drinking - the liver is no less essential than the heart or lungs, don't hurt it! I would never intentionally make the liver my target, but it's good to know how effective that is. And when field dressing the way that thing had truly, completely bled out was just crazy to me.
had a very unfortunate unintended poi, also as a learning teenager. Shooting way further than I had any business shooting at that time and skill level in my life, to this day I will never even think about screwing around with headshots after what happened. They are unreliable and needlessly cruel if botched - if you can guarantee you'll never be more than 1 inch off intended impact spot I suppose go for it (but also I don't believe you
). Blew the creature's lower jaw right off. Tracked it over a quarter mile, the blood trail was tremendous at least. Finished the job, it was still standing when I shot it again, in the chest, humanely dropping it. Wasn't pretty. Felt like the biggest ***hole on earth for quite a while. Learned my lesson, only needed to learn that one once. No attempted headshots. To my mind they are foolish, arrogant, and horrific if botched.