which of these calibers would you pick?

I am a 338 fan, I have had 7mm, 3006 etc. the 338 puts stuff down. If I were you, I would consider a 338-06 and have it Ackley improved. It will shoot close to a 338 win mag with less powder and less recoil. I also like 225 accubonds or 225 tipped triple shocks.
OK, so I must admit I have a real thing for Kimber rifles. I have sold a lot of different rifles and replaced them with Kimbers. I currently have a 22-250, 25-06, and 280AI.
I want to get a final Kimber that will finish my battery. I want something to use when my 280AI isn't quite big enough. It will be my Bear, Elk and Moose gun. I reload, so please keep that in mind.
The calibers I have in mind are ...
30-06 pushing 220 grain bullets
300 WM pushing whatever
300 WSM pushing whatever

These calibers I can buy in a normal Kimber chambering.

The other option is to pick up a donor and have it re-barreled to
338-06 or 35 whelen.

I am not a fan of really heavy recoil, but this gun will not be shot a ton, so as long as I don't get to carried away, I should be OK. NO 338 WM...lol

What would be your thoughts? Feel free to recommend another caliber that I may be missing. Would the 30-06 with modern 220 grain loads be enough?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I've got 280AI,30-06 and I shot 338mag couple years and my last bear tag I used 35 WhelenAI and I have couple 30 cal mag. For a very brief time I shot 338x270 HGT which was fancy name for 338x270AI and was article about that wildcat in Wildcat Cartridges Vol II page 461.

I never did shoot 338x06 but had 35 Whelen.

Guess I was little lucky on what I shot before finally settled on the 35 WhelenAI and it's far enough away for the 30 cal that I could use it for bear,elk where I don't want to use my other rifles.

Well good luck.
If you like the 338 caliber I would not hesitate to go with a 338 win mag. In my experience I can't feel the difference in recoil between a 300 win mag and a 338 win mag.
Just my .02 but my 338 wm has a nice brake on it and it recoils less than my 308. I'm breaking in the barrel using some 225g factory ammo going around 2900 according to the box. I don't think you could go wrong stepping up to a 338 for your given hunting options.
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