Which Factory 300 would you pick?

IMO Bear hunter good looking rifle but 300wm performance will suffer from 21" barrel.

In savage line long range hunter is good choice
Remington American Wilderness Rifle
Tikka t3x with B&C stock
Howa 1500 300wm cerakote barreled action combined with HS precision stock
Bergara B14

Didn't even realize that it was a 21" barrel! Yeah a 300 would definitely be a bit of a flamethrower in that. It would probably make the 7lbs though.
Why not look at Sako A7? they are on sale now at Cabelas for $1000. Stainless, under 7#, no floor plate, but a mag instead. Accuracy shouldn't be a concern.
I asked a similar question on rokslide and built a matrix Decison: New 300 WM LOL

I abandoned the idea of a win mag and ended up getting a ridgeline in 30 nosler because of the price for 10 boxes of ammo at Midway. I was looking real hard at the Mesa, Montana and Extreme Weather. Nice rifles.
My suggestion... Any rifle but a Savage, Weatherby, or mid-2000's and newer Winchester would be your best bet.

My personal opinion is go buy a Rem 700 5R Milspec 26" .300 WinMag... You won't find a more accurate out-of-the-box rifle. The only downside is the newer Remington trigger suck, and you will want to replace it immediately with a Jewell, Timney, Trigger-Tech, etc...
Useless without pictures.

If you're talking to me, then I have posted pictures on this site many times of my 5R rifles (I have 2, a .308 Win and .300 WInMag) accuracy.

Here's the .308 Win with a 1.286" 24-shot group, and a .313" 3-shot group... I don't have any pics for the .300 WinMag.

The 1.594" measurement was before the final correction by subtracting .308, so it was actually 1.286"...



I know the 5r's reputation, they are running a sale on them plus $150 rebate. $650 for the 308 after rebate. I was talking about the ridge line 28 nos.
Thanks for all the input fellas. Today I picked up a slightly used Winchester Extreme Weather. Looking forward to working up loads for it.


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