Coyote gun build

Call it the "modern 243" if u don't want to say you have a creedmore 😉 I have a "modern 243" shooting 103x and it's a stone cold killer. Super accurate and u don't have all the "runners" everyone talks about. Haha.
I shot yotes with 105s-109s til this December. They definitely rock them. Eldms definitely anchored them harder then bergers for me
I'm a fan of the 260 Rem. myself if you are building an AR, it would be an AR10 for the 260 Rem as you already know. For an AR15 I like the 22ARC it's kind of a copy of the Russian 5.45x39 that came out in 1974 in answer to the U.S. 5.56x45. It's kind of hard to find the 5.45x39 as it was classified as a pistol cartridge so it's hard to come by in the U.S. but the 22 ARC is gaining in popularity. I put together a 700 Rem chambered for 260 Rem. this past summer in a Boyds at one stock with an EABCO 24" 8 twist barrel for my grandson, I had fun with it till he got it. For most of us it is a matter of enjoying building a new rifle, making the brass ready to be loaded and then finding the load of powder and bullet weight and tuning the load to what we find acceptable groups.
Picked this SAKO 75 Grey Wolf 260 Rem. at a good price. Barrel had 420 Thos. free bore. Put a new barrel on it. She's been good to me ever since.


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