which muzzeloader to buy?

Be Very, very Careful.:cool:
click on this and see what I mean.
Muzzleloader Alert

The Savage is probably the best overbuilt ML OEM rifle on the market...PERIOD!

I doubt that any manufacturer has not had a barrel blown...most often due to shooter error!

I know many Savage shooters that shoot loads that would blow up any other ML.
IMO, smokeless powder is much much safer to shoot than BP...but you still need to use your head!

Take any brand 30-06 and load it with Unique powder and most rifles will be destroyed!

Many Savage ML shooters have shot their ramrods without this type of catastrophic damage...calculate an extra 1000 grains to your bullet and load and then say the Savage is not an elite firearm!

no one has metioned a white muzzleloaderlightbulblightbulbi would say i one of the best if not the best conical shooter out there.hard to come by but worth it if you can find one.i've hit a 12in gong at 200yds so much it's almost boring.
just my 2 cents.
oh and if any one has a white that is just a safe queen send it my way
I like the Thompson New englander in .54 cal. I know its not fancy, but is capable of very good accuracy with just cheep lead ball. This is just personal opinion but it looks really nice too. If you are hunting with a muzzle loader why not have a rifle that looks like one.
Just my 2 cents.
I have a few muzzleloaders including the Savage 10MLII and it's definately not a 300 yard gun. Mine will hold about 2" groups at 150 yards and it goes away after that.

My TC Omega on the other hand, is my hunting ML. Smokeless is not an option in New Mexico during muzzleloader season, so I went to BH209. My Omega shoots 4" groups at 300 yards. I did a post in this thread.
Richards custom rifles 45 cal muzzelloader
275 parker bullet at 2950

I have shot mine to 600 yards holds 1 moa at 600

have shot 1/2 moa to 500 yards with it
it is crazy!!!
I was wondering for long range, say out to 250-300 yds which off the shelf gun would be best? TC,Knight,Savage,????

300 yards? You do know that even though muzzleloaders today look like centerfires, they still are a primitive weapon and 200 yards alone shooting off hand is a BIG challenge in the field. 300 yards is simply nuts.
300 yards? You do know that even though muzzleloaders today look like centerfires, they still are a primitive weapon and 200 yards alone shooting off hand is a BIG challenge in the field. 300 yards is simply nuts.

You do know that at the first Creedmoor shoot in the late 1800's they shot ML's with open sights at up to 1,000 yards! Yes the targets were big, but without scopes it is still amazing :)

If I do my part I can put 10 shots into an inch at 100 yards with my custom ML.

I have the Savage 10ML and love it. Started out with a lot of problems and began eliminating the variables. Edge was a real help and steered me to www.Dougsmessageboards.com. They have all the info you need just ask. The biggest part of the Savage is to learn the Gun and I found out I had a lot to learn a hell of a lot more than I could of imagined. Never understood why so many people have to shoot those big 300grn bullets or even 250grns. I currently can shoot 180grn or 220grn or 235grn(my favorite) sometimes 260grn Deadcenters all day long and punch holes at 100yd .500group 150yd .500group and 200yd is where things go to 8" groups but I'm working on that and it is nothing but FUN!!!! The versatiliy of the Savage is endless. Buy one and go have endless Fun. Heck if you go to the range and have it all figured out in a week or so then you'd have to go buy a new gun and start over. The Savage is an awsome ML and I would recommend it to everyone. I thank Edge for pointing me to the Dougs web site and I'm learning new things all the time when it comes to MLs.
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