which muzzeloader to buy?

try this one.
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Now that I've figured out the details on posting a pic, let me tell ya about my toy.
T/C Encore 209x50. Leupold VXIII, 4.5x14x40, Side Focus, 30mm Tube. Varminter Reticle <a href="http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll117/HAWKEYE50/?action=view&current=VarmintRetical.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll117/HAWKEYE50/VarmintRetical.jpg" border="0" alt="Leupold VXIII Varminter Reticle"></a>
<a href="http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll117/HAWKEYE50/SHOOTING%20PICS/?action=view&current=LEUPOLDVXIII.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll117/HAWKEYE50/SHOOTING%20PICS/LEUPOLDVXIII.jpg" border="0" alt="LEUPOLD VXIII 30mm 4.5x14x40 LR SF"></a>
i still cant get pictures to show up but I was talking this over with some friends around the corral anf one said that his ML scared him that he has ony shot it a hand full of times and another said that he looked up some things on you tube and he will never own a ML and thats when i told them that the only thing that can be scarry with a muzzeloader (ML) is confidance in what your doing and that if it kicked or scairs you then learn about it and use it i love mine and the more that i shoot it the more i want to shoot it plus i found a rolling block that looks cool and itd not the breach break shotgun type that my brother has and it doesnt have a bolt like the newer styles it got some brass flash that makes it purrrrty so its fun and in my op. thats what its all about.lightbulb
have a great day and keep on keepen on.gun)gun)gun)gun)gun)
I found muzzleloader happiness in a Savage 10MLII, add a laminate, thumbhole stock and load with N120 and a Barnes Original in a Harvester High Pressure Sabot.

The only problem with the above is it get danged expensive to shoot, but the accuracy is phenomenal.
exact same load I am shooting. Very accurate to 300yards. I didn't know a muzzleloader was capable of that.
Old news. Toby has an ax to grind.

I have my own opinion as to what caused the problem. I believe it is user error. At least in the case of the Canadian shooter.
Almost every brand of rifle has been blown up!

The Savage Is safe when used properly.....you might even find that Toby still uses a Savage sometimes :)

I Started with Knight and when I couldent make consistant kills at 150 yards. I bought a Savage 10ml. The claims of MOA out to 300 yards all day long with the stock Savage are stretching it a bit. I have shot some 3" groups at 300 yards but they are hard to come by. I have since replaced the stock barrell with a Pac nor Custom 45 Cal and Now 3 shot groups of 1 1/2 at 100 yards are what I can expect on average. I have no problems taking head shots on deer out to 150 yards, The last 4 shots I took with the gun ended up with 3 head shots and a 1 shot 260 yard kill. The gun has a 407$ barrell a Custom trigger and is piller bedded the 3" groups at 300 yards are still very tough to make. If you buy the savage and take the time to learn how to handle it, and there is a lot to learn, you will be very happy. This website has all the info you need www.dougsmessageboard.com
If you want to shoot long range you have two good options...the T/C with a Bergara 45 caliber barrel or the CVA 45 caliber...only use Blackhorn 209 loose powder, powerbelt bullets and Fioochi primers...my friend just shot a 200yd group that could be covered with a small paper plate..scope was Bushnell DOA..if anyone has questions on blackpowder accuracy testing please email me and I will give you my friends email address...thanks, good luck..ElDeegun)
OK, my 2 cents worth. I believe I would go for the Savage smokeless if legal in your state. I have had on for as long as I can remember. I bought mine when the inventor Hery Ball was building some what custom Savages and marking them 1-500 and signed by the inventore H. ball. I remember all the hoop la over toby bridges blowing one up. If Savage thought that thier rifle was some what a risk they wouldn't continue selling them I sight mine in every year and the accuracy stays the same, I seenothing under a magnifing glass that suggest a potential hazard and I have shot mine atleast 1000 times or more. I had an axil fly out from under my new pick up truck so does that make all trucks a potential for this happening NO, Ford gave me a new truck. They said there is no explanation for this Go figure. Ok, here is more of my 2 cents. I had a Thompson Encore ML'er that was a VG shooter, But I got t5ired of cleaning. One thing I would like to emphasize. Blow back into the trigger area which left uncleaned at some point the spings will corrode and give way. So I would suggest periodic cleaning of the frame. At 73 I spend alot of time at the computer so I'll shut up and give it a break Lou
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