Which 6mm???

If you want a varmint rig 6mm capable of 1100yds with good barrel life, the 6br or improved is the way to go. the 105amax you are talking about is part of the problem.the 95 or 105gr VLD berger or 107gr SMK sierra is a far better choice for this application because of the B.C.(they also shoot better in any 6mm I have owned).
the 105amax you are talking about is part of the problem.

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The reason I'm going w/this bullet is b/c I have virtually an unlimited supply of them, they are cheap(I can by them @ jobber price) and they expand very well on pds even past 1000 yds.

The 6BR was my 1st choice but the lack of a reamer and the fact that they don't make any brass (so it seems) for it has got me looking elsewhere. I think I'll just buck up and get the good Redding dies and do it. I'm sure it'll shoot. After all, Kirby's building it!!
I picked the 243 for my 6mm round, simply because I can get components any where and factory ammo in a pinch. 2800 fps with a 105 a-max is no problem with this round, mine launches them at 2950 with a 26" tube.


This rifle was a .243 win. It shot the 105s very well but just flat out quit shooting anything after about 1500 rnds. I know this is probably not tipical bbl life and I'll be the first to admit that when I got this rifle I knew nothing of breaking in a bbl and very little about just routine cleaning. I also got the bbl too hot on numerous occasions.

I guess what I'm getting at is that the 6-250 will duplicate the .243s performance but do it w/10 gr less powder. That is why I think it may be the way to go. Maybe if I take care of the bbl I can get 3000 or so rounds out of it.
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