Which .338??


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
Heres the deal, I have a barrel that is threaded to fit a ruger action and chambered in .338 Jamison which is essentially a .338 WSM.
I just picked up an old M77, tang safety model action for cheap! Would like to rechamber(myself) the barrel into a long action .338 chamber. It has a standard magnum bolt face. Initially I was thinking 33 Nosler but would like to get away from using Nosler brass, have not had good luck with their brass(blown pockets). I'm not against building my own brass but would like to know what all my options are if I'm going to do that. So are there any other options similar to the 33 nosler that may give better results in a standard magnum action?? I would like to push 250-265 grainers from the mag.
A 300wsm is .005" bigger at the base then most all of the other 404 Jeffrey based cases. So unless your setting it back most reamers won't clean up the chamber. You could go to a 33 Nosler but you'd probably be shoving the bullets in the case and losing capacity to fit them in a short mag box like the Ruger.
Yeah, I don't have the dimensions in front of me, but the Jamison if I recall is smaller than the WSM's. I haven't measured the mag box either, but will check that out later tonight.
What are you planning on using it for and distances you plan on shooting?

Well, I've been putting in for moose for the past few years, so if I draw that tag this yearo_O I would use it for that. Distance wise, I have killed deer out to 520(280 ackley), at this point that would be my max! And if it shoots well maybe stretch it out??

Like alot of others on this site, I don't really need this rifle! This particular rifle is more of a hobby thing, building and putting it together myself, since I already had the barrel I figured try and make use of it in a more effective way, was never really satisfied with the Jamison.
Well, I've been putting in for moose for the past few years, so if I draw that tag this yearo_O I would use it for that. Distance wise, I have killed deer out to 520(280 ackley), at this point that would be my max! And if it shoots well maybe stretch it out??

Like alot of others on this site, I don't really need this rifle! This particular rifle is more of a hobby thing, building and putting it together myself, since I already had the barrel I figured try and make use of it in a more effective way, was never really satisfied with the Jamison.

So have I. Have quite a few pref points. Fingers crossed, Maine draw is the 9th. No rifle for me. Be using my S&W 460 XVR Revolver.
What twist is your barrel? That and the rugers smallish mag box may reduce your choices if you want to shoot the heavies.
So have I. Have quite a few pref points. Fingers crossed, Maine draw is the 9th. No rifle for me. Be using my S&W 460 XVR Revolver.
Yeah, we don't have preference points in Idaho, so no joy there at all! Just the luck of the draw! And I've never been very luckyo_O

What twist is your barrel? That and the rugers smallish mag box may reduce your choices if you want to shoot the heavies.
Barrel is a 9.5/inch and if I recall a Douglas.

The thought of running the Jamison in the long action has crossed my mind as well, in the short action I was pretty much limited to 185-225, unless I wanted to bury the bullet in the case. I know a couple of guys have done that with the WSM's and some have sounded satisfied? The only problem that I have with that is getting a go gauge or maybe a reamer, I checked with clymer, who I believe was making the reamers at the time and it sounded like it wouldn't be worth their while or mine?$$$ I may check and see if the 300/338wsm reamer will remove all of the Jamison chamber??
I just finished a 338 Sherman short mag, built on a Rem 700 SA. I'll be shooting 250 bergers (10 twist), another is throating his to run 260 monos and building on a long action. Somone was trying to convince me to build a 338 WM, throated for heavies but I wanted different. Good choices for SAUM brass too.

Another option I was reading up on was the 338 Patriot (338/300WM), would have some good brass choices then.
I'm enjoying my 33 nosler you can run standard OAL in a ruger no problem and it will run 250 grain bullet 2700 fps no problem.. I have mine on a Montana 1999 LH and can seat out up to 3.6...mine likes 250 bergers seated to. 3.54 with a good load of 7828 behind it I get 2820fps in a 27 in barrel....I like where the 33 nosler fits---more than a 338 win--not as much as a RUM,edge, or Lapua....

A gunsmith I use here has built up to a .338 Lapua to a ruger action, and fitted a Wyatts extended mag box to the action so it could be mag fed. A 338 Norma would clean up that chamber, cycle easily in a Wyatts mag, and send 250's fast, and 300's around 2650-2800 depending on load and barrel length.
I was going to say the 338 norma imp is my choice but I was not sure of the rugers dimensions. Shorter oal but if you chose to do it with a 35 degree improved shohlder has the same capacity as the rum i.e. 110 gr h20 IIRC. Super acxuracy and very effeicent. Has good barrel life. You have lapua brass now and could even form it from lapua mag if needed. Load up with h1000 for cooler flame temps or rl33 for max vel with the heavies.

What I like is you get good vel effeicny from the shorter barrels. The 338nm IMO is made for 24-28" barrels. I am building one for a 24" barrel for a hunter. Good brake and recoil is tamed even in a lightish setup. 24" CF manners elite just vets me all kinds of excited.

If that did not work if it cleans up the wsm would be a good choice with plenty of coal room if you could fit a nosler.
What about the 338 campfire? 338/375 ruger? I'm building one now from a vanguard action that was 300wm.

From left to right
338wm, 300wm, 338/375R
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