Where is the berger 245gr?

My .300 BSM Its between the 30-300 Lapua imp and the .300 Raptor. Its closer to the size of the raptor then the 30-338 lapua imp. Raptor would do it for sure.

Currently I am hitting 3360 with a 230 grain bullet. The powder is a little to fast hopping to hit 3400 plus with a slower powder. Time will tell.
For what it is worth ...

View attachment 118630

I am shooting that bullet right now. BUT its not a hunting bullet, Its also tipped. Not much if any hollow point is opened Its almost like a fmj. Not to mention the BC is closer to .773 after you take there steps into account. Waiting to see if AB will test and confirm that .773 or there about BC. With that said the .800 BC would wok for most applications.

Even after taking that into account its still better then Bergers 230 @ .717

The 230 SMK is a good looking bullet! Shoots good to. Just Its not a hunting bullet. Bergers 245 will be a hunting bullet.

For what its worth I have thought about trimming the meplat to open the tip up and have a hollow point. Just not sure how much BC would be lost doing it.

Not to mention Now that the 230SMK is out there I hope berger sees it and steps up the game for the 245 EOL.
I am shooting that bullet right now. BUT its not a hunting bullet, Its also tipped. Not much if any hollow point is opened Its almost like a fmj. Not to mention the BC is closer to .773 after you take there steps into account. Waiting to see if AB will test and confirm that .773 or there about BC. With that said the .800 BC would wok for most applications.

Even after taking that into account its still better then Bergers 230 @ .717

The 230 SMK is a good looking bullet! Shoots good to. Just Its not a hunting bullet. Bergers 245 will be a hunting bullet.

For what its worth I have thought about trimming the meplat to open the tip up and have a hollow point. Just not sure how much BC would be lost doing it.

Not to mention Now that the 230SMK is out there I hope berger sees it and steps up the game for the 245 EOL.

Agreed, that's why I posted it as such.
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