which .30 cal would you use to push the new berger 245gr

We built a 30 xc and I m waiting for these 245 EOL s if they shot like the 195 7 mm this will excite
So with berger finally showing the new BC on the 245gr pills, it has me wanting a new 30 cal elk rifle. But the question is what 30 cartridge would you use to push it? 300 prc? 30 sherman mag? 300 rum? I'd like to stay away from the weatherby line just because of that double radius shoulder.
I haven't read all the replies so I don't know what has been said but it seems to me, since Berger and Lapua are now sleeping in the same bed, it would be a good time for Lapua to start producing some 300 Lapua Magnum Brass. The paper work was done long ago.


  • 300 Lapua Magnum CIP Specs.pdf
    108.4 KB · Views: 169
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I think one of the problems with 300 Lapua mag would be good powders to use with good case fill. With N570 I am at 88 grains with 109 volumes. 300 Lapua would be about 114?
I use RL33 for my 300LMI. 108 for 181 hammers and 104 for 200gr accubonds and 101 with 230's. RL50 could be viable if I had a longer throat for the 245
I dont know much about gun builds but I would use a 30-378 weatherby mag built on a .338 Lapua Mag action. So I could load it long enough to make use of all the case capacity at mag length cartridge.
I was thinking 300 A-Square on .338 Lapua Brass.
So with berger finally showing the new BC on the 245gr pills, it has me wanting a new 30 cal elk rifle. But the question is what 30 cartridge would you use to push it? 300 prc? 30 sherman mag? 300 rum? I'd like to stay away from the weatherby line just because of that double radius shoulder.
300 Rum or larger.
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