Which bullet would you use? Accubond or TSX

With the new info about AccuBond penetration failures in a thread on this forum, I will be avoiding them. I don't see any gain to using them especially as they are similar in price.

Seriously :rolleyes: I can give you 4 failures of the TSX on elk to penetrate or open, so would you drop the TSX over that?
Seriously :rolleyes: I can give you 4 failures of the TSX on elk to penetrate or open, so would you drop the TSX over that?
Not opening up
Hand load or factory. I have heard stories of some of the early ones not opening up. I never had a problem with that . 375 , 416,+458 bullets start out big enough and any bullet with a hole in the end of it will expand when slammed into a brown bears shoulder at close range. . Failure to penetrate would only mean unstabilized bullets or anemic velocity.
Not opening up
Hand load or factory. I have heard stories of some of the early ones not opening up. I never had a problem with that . 375 , 416,+458 bullets start out big enough and any bullet with a hole in the end of it will expand when slammed into a brown bears shoulder at close range. . Failure to penetrate would only mean unstabilized bullets or anemic velocity.

Hand loaded 168 TSX in 300 WBY, one failure to open on elk and two failure to penetrate elk shoulders at moderate ranges due to deflection with no penetration and one 165gr TSX from 30-06 with deflection and no penetration. The elk I've seen hit with the 416 bullets did not impress me at all, unless shoulders were taken out they ran to much before tipping.
With the new info about AccuBond penetration failures in a thread on this forum, I will be avoiding them. I don't see any gain to using them especially as they are similar in price.

I think elkaholic has come up with a reasonable explanation as to the guys problem. I think anyway, it's the most reasonable explanation so far when it comes to the water jugs.

There are still reports of very little penetration on game though, hopefully just a bad batch of bullets. Something weird is definately going on somewhere when a bonded or solid bullet (either one) wont penetrate a broadside deers' ribcage clean through at 300 yds and less.

Oh, I will say that from general observation the more fragile bullets seem to produce more bang flops on ideal broadside shots. But they also destroy more good meat
I have no idea what 416 bullet was used that you witnesed or the velocity ect. But the 300 gr 416 TSX is kinda a bang flop KING. But I've only used them at close range.
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