Well-Known Member
In my current thinking, I like the Leupolds concept of breaking equipment into rough categories of, CQ/T, MR/T, LR/T, and ER/T. It's helped me look at my equipment differently than when I viewed them as varmint/predator/deer/ bear and elk, or moose, and big bear rifles. Conceptually, it had me stuck at 600 yards, with my equipment reflecting that. Using a 338 RUM I've shot coyotes, deer and antelope, dynamite shoots etc., and while the cartridge may qualify for ELR, as currently packaged really it's an MR/T set up. Classes for me run roughly 0-200 yard, 200-600, 600-1200, 1200-over the horizon. To move up I'll double my magnification, restock the rifle, and at some point re barrel in a heavier configuration, and add about 3 lbs. Any time you're asking you're equipment to take you to the next level you're probably at least flirting with ELR. Toughest field shot I was ever offered, was a Mountain Goat at 300 yards. Gale force winds, hail the size of #4 buck blowing in sideways , shaking from early hypothermia, and we walked away. That was ELR that day. Broz and Kirby have it right, just my ramblings from what I've learned from them over time.