This long range shooting stuff is just getting to complicate for me. Seriously, I was on site this morning, considering writing a post, why I feel every beginner should start out with a 308 winchester. The main reason, would have been for the ability to practice, practice, practice. In some hunting camps, there would be guys judging you for taking such a shot, and to be totally honest, I use to be one of those guys. Even though things didn't work out as planned, I do not fault you at all, because you practiced and practiced for that shot.
I've had things go horrible at less than a hundred yards. That experience was on my first big game animal (a small Mulley buck). I was with my grandfather, my mentor into hunting and shooting. He had four girls. I was the first boy born into the family, so he and I had a very special relationship. I got into a position were I took a standing shot, in very cold winter conditions, and pulled the shot 2', hitting the deer just in front of the rear quarters. To make the story short, I did harvest that deer, but the whole experience brought me to tears. That experience made me overly critical of other hunters who didn't seem to respect the game that they shot at.
It's a long story how I became a long range hunter. One that if I told, others on this sight might looked down on me. But I can honestly say, that the only reason I can be an advocate of the sport, is the morality of this sight. The senior members in my opinion, are not trying to advance the popularity of this sport at all cost. They only try to educate all about what long range hunting is. They do so with knowledge, experience, and respect even when they are attacked in return.
There are people and groups just waiting for any reason to condemn this sport. So at times as hunters, we can't tell that story about how things went badly. BillR I want to thank you for sharing this, I commend you for doing so, and for taking the effort to figure out what happened with that shot. VERY MORRAL AND RESPONSIBLE OF YOU!!! I have learned more lately from others sharing about the misses. The main thing I have learned is the vast majority of hunters are caring responsible individuals.