I kind of think that stores should limit everything and spread the wealth around until things even out. I've seen people on this very forum bragging how they got 8 lbs of this and 5 lbs of that. I know hazmat and big case magnums come into play but I refuse to hose my fellow shooters and hoard. I have supplies built up over years not weeks. I did get a notice today from one store notifying me something I wanted was in stock. I didnt buy them out. And their prices only went up a dollar or two. I shoot a lot. I'm retired and have acreage, literally can shoot out of the reloading room. Realistically, with my meager stocks, will I ever shoot it all? Probably not. I know some of you are sitting on stockpiles that your grandkids will be using. Are the government hoards going to raid your house and take your stuff? Not likely unless you're doing stuff to get their attention. Slow down folks, take a deep breath, we've been here before.