In a world where pursuit of excellence is constantly mocked and attacked, those pursuing it and encouraging others to pursue it are not looking to their left or right for validation. They are looking up.
No one aiming down, can validate someone aiming up. The worst possible thing someone moving forward can do, is to listen to someone trying to justify staying where they are. The people happy to stay where they are and work within the boundaries others have set, get
enraged watching others move forward. They see successful people moving forward smashing down barriers, and it makes them feel inferior. Rather than join the person moving forward and help, they will try to stop them from moving forward.
Society at large, represented by many on this forum, does not want to feel any pressure to improve. If you try to move forward ahead of them, they will try to pull you back collectively.
You'll be free and you'll really innovate when you realize they can't stop you. All of their hand wringing, justifications, and hostility toward you are powerless. They are powerless. If you make an original contribution, it will move forward and pull you along with it under its own power. Purity and excellence carry a power that pessimism and contradiction can never overcome. The truth of this is often realized long after the deaths of people that made those contributions.
Set your own boundaries. You're the only one qualified to set them. You were uniquely and specially made, and no one in the world other than you has had the experiences you've had. There is a purity and excellence inherent in that. Look at the people trying to justify mediocrity with sadness. It's possible they will never know joy. Their relentless criticism and mocking can't hurt you and is guaranteed to hurt them.
If you attempt to stay idle, the undertow of the universe will pull you backward. You need to expend effort moving forward just to stay where you are. You need to expend all of the effort you're capable of to move forward. You will need to do that as a matter of consistent habit to develop skills, experiences, and abilities sufficient to truly innovate and propel you forward at an exponential rate.
I routinely tell shooters I mentor that I cannot make them a better shooter without making them a better person. The principles of success in any endeavor are the same, regardless of discipline. If anyone in your life is trying to stay in neutral or worse still, aiming down... you need to get away from them as fast as you can. Your entire future and your success depends on it. Surround yourself with people that are moving forward and aiming up! Protect the purity and excellence you were given. Pray for those that work to justify their adoption of mediocrity. Pray, reach a hand down to help them up to your plateau, but if they refuse to take your hand, leave them where they stand and move on.
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