What would you rebarrel a .270 into?

A 270 Sherman or 270ai will match your dad's 280ai , why go dwn in caliber ,even a normal 270 with a 1/8 twist will kik -zz with a 26 inch bbl ,what bbl make & conture are you going with ,you could go 280ai but will you both agree on the ammo choice , some family can be head strong , what say you .
You are probably right. I do really like the caliber, maybe even because it's a little old fashioned. When things are long term plans I tend to hem and haw over decisions and still go with my first choice. Why would you suggest a .270AI over a Sherman?
Just use 280AI bushing dies. Cheaper. 2 I had one long ago and it was cool. Quite an improvement. A guy talked me out of it which led to a .270WBY. You seem to like to do your own thing and no one you know will have one. Same could also most likely be said of the Sherman. I doubt there's a nickle's worth of difference in performance of the two to be honest, I'm old and have always liked Ackley's stuff. Its been good to me.
I love the 280, the ai version is on my list but i would probably build a 6.5 06 for a barrel to see how i like it
Sounds like you have almost answered your own question. You like to tinker, you like the .270, you want more range. What about an 8 twist .270AI with a longer barrel?

That's exactly what I did with mine. I have a .270 AI in Savage 110 LA with 30" SS Lilja 1:8" 3G #6 with JP Enterprise Beenie Cooley MB propelling the 175 Matrix VLD at 2993 FPS (my current accuracy load) with H4831SC.

.270 AI atop the mountain.jpg
I own a 270 which I like very much. Also a 6.5-06 A-Square. My preference is the 6.5-06. Using the Barnes 120 TSX.. Has been taking elk cleanly for years. My 270 with the Barnes 130gr TSX is also as capable. The 6.5 is a bit flatter shooting but for my normal hunting ranges of 300yds or less either will work with no visible difference. Most deer & elk I take are under 200yds. Both these rifles have 24" Bbl which I highly recommend. Because of the wet cold weather I usually have to contend with I also highly recommend stainless regardless of cal. My biased opinion.
I'm with
That's exactly what I did with mine. I have a .270 AI in Savage 110 LA with 30" SS Lilja 1:8" 3G #6 with JP Enterprise Beenie Cooley MB propelling the 175 Matrix VLD at 2993 FPS (my current accuracy load) with H4831SC.

View attachment 161531
I'm with FEENIX on this, 270AI chamber + longer barrel = deadly hammer! Love mine with a 26in but wish I had 28. I run a 130 over 3300fps and that's driving it like a Prius, it will run like a Vette with high test.
I've been thinking about this same thing myself. I got a pretty little Savage 114 in .270 Win in a trade and even though the barrel is only 22" the dang thing is accurate, beyond what I expected! All my other rifles are anywhere from 10lbs up to 15lbs w/scopes, so this little 8lb Savage is a joy to hunt with and I find myself toting it more and more. Kicks right smart though.
Anyway, the other day I was pondering what I could re-barrel it to once I couldn't control "that itch" for something new anymore. I currently have a 6mmBR, 6.5-284, this .270Win, 7mmRM, .300WinMag and a .270 Allen Magnum. In keeping with the .473" bolt face, I have always wanted the 6.5-06AI, .270AI but the Sherman versions outpace both of these rounds. Brass prep would probably be about the same either way. Brass for any of these aught 6 spawn is plentiful. Just depends on your favorite flavor.

Not sure if the brass is available yet or if it is, what's the cost, but Weatherby's 6.5 RPM with a 28" tube/and break, launching the Berger 156's would be would awesome!
270AI does sound intriguing but the 280AI just has it beat in so many ways. 280AI available in factory rounds, 270AI not. Granted the .277 bullets will show up for reloading but some good .284 bullets are already here and more are coming. I love the 270 and the 260. My 280 is limited to the 7mm Mag which also fits in where I like it.
If this is going to be YOUR one main rifle that is a sometimes elk gun but mostly deer and steel here is my thought process. Keep it bigger than .277 caliber, avoid intense case prep, and dont go with a stupid long barrel.

6.5s kill elk, I think most agree that the bigger bullets bring more to the table in both killing power and barrel life. You would probably rather be shooting than forming and trimming brass. Long barrels give more velocity but handling does matter and a super long, nose heavy rifle getting stuck on every branch or is tough to shoot offhand will get tiresome very quick.

I'd say go 270win, 280ai, or 30-06 with a 26" mid weight barrel with the twist for the bullets you want to shoot. 338 sherman if you really want something different and don't mind the case prep.
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