What muzzle brake?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
lebanon oregon
I have a 6.5x284 cooper Phoenix. And I shoot the 140 berger VLD Super accurate rifle. But thinking about putting a muzzle brake on it so my wife and kids can shoot it more and use it for a starter rifle. I have never had a brake on my rifles so I know nothing about them. Any recommendations on a good brake?
Another vote for muzzle brakes and more, and Nathan is a good guy too. He is IdahoCTD on this forum. I have the 3 port lil beast on my .260 AI, and with a Krieger medium palma contour (would also work well on sendero contour), it was easy for the smith to turn it down to a seamless finish. It is sending 147 eld-m's at 3050 fps, and my 12 year old niece, wife, and sister shoot it with no issues. My niece was loving being able to spot her hits at 400 yards on pronghorn this year. You WILL need ear protection though, as you always should. But for the price, I don't think you can beat them.


I have a 6.5x284 cooper Phoenix. And I shoot the 140 berger VLD Super accurate rifle. But thinking about putting a muzzle brake on it so my wife and kids can shoot it more and use it for a starter rifle. I have never had a brake on my rifles so I know nothing about them. Any recommendations on a good brake?
Good comparison test of APS Painkiller.

It looks like you don't need holes in the top of the brake to hold a barrel down. Is that correct?
Yup. No top ports. Granted my rifle is 13.5 lbs, but I can watch impacts at 100 yards. I shot a doe pronghorn this year at 140 yards and I watched the bullet hit on 16x. All the rest of my shots this year were 300 yards out to 817 yards, last year all my shots were 300-713 yards, and I have never failed to see my impact.

For anything in this caliber range, I wouldn't worry about getting any other brake. If I was looking into a big heavy recoiling cartridge, such as a .338 Lapua, Edge, or something like that, I would probably spend the extra money for one of the Allen Precision Shooting Pain Killer brakes to make sure I got the absolute most recoil reduction, but for a mid to small sized cartridge like a 6.5x284 or my .260 ai, I don't think there is enough of a difference to justify three times the price for a brake, as the mbm 3 port lil beast brake can be had for $72 shipped.
I use a 4 port beast on a 338 lapua , 300 gr bergers at 2930FPS . beast brakes are very efficient .

to me some of the brakes being sold are just fugly . I wouldn't have one no matter how well it worked . maybe I'm just not shooting big enough equipment to appreciate them .
to me some of the brakes being sold are just fugly . I wouldn't have one no matter how well it worked . maybe I'm just not shooting big enough equipment to appreciate them .
The JP brake comes to mind.....it looks like someone welded a piece of pipe sideways on the end of a barrel. And there are many other brakes that do a better job and dont look so ridiculous.
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