What caused my barrel to break loose?

I have seen this happen on different Rifles, On A Savage my first suspicion is that someone did a crescent wrench barrel cleaning, very certain this is one reason for the tapered barrel nut. Another high suspicion is stainless steel itself because of its bur welding habits. Properly tightened fasteners can, will and do come loose and is one reason for a regular and proper inspection! I do not use thread-lock liquids of any kind except on rotating assemblies such as automotive connecting rods. Fasteners that must not come loose are always wired, pinned or staked. Needless to say a careful inspection for splits or cracks is in order before re torquing the Barrel. All in all If I had to testify in court I could give no higher than a 50 percent certainty that the barrel was not properly torqued by the gunsmith. - Just for the sake of conversation.
I know that the smith told me he had to order a smooth barrel locking nut wrench when I gave him the gun. Who knows. It just ticks me off. I was planning on going to the north central portion of the state to hunt week before Christmas. If I ever need a long range rig in this state it's there.
Glad your OK buddy! I would try a different smith. Get that rifle fixed right.

You can shoot my TRG in the meantime! I may even be able to let you take it on your hunt.
Glad your OK buddy! I would try a different smith. Get that rifle fixed right.

You can shoot my TRG in the meantime! I may even be able to let you take it on your hunt.

Haha!!!! Well, hello there my friend. Guess you found the post. I appreciate the offer for sure. You know that I have a crush on that rig of yours!!! Glad to see you joined the forum. I have found lots of very useful information on here.

Still wish I could get out with you guys on Sunday.
I know that the smith told me he had to order a smooth barrel locking nut wrench when I gave him the gun.

Sounds like this was his first install of a smooth barrel nut. Maybe he just didn't get it quite tight enough.

My first barrel install I did on my Savage came loose and this was a regular notched nut. All of the reading I did said it wasn't necessary to put it back on as tight as factory. It is necessary for it to be on there fairly tight though.
Sounds like this was his first install of a smooth barrel nut. Maybe he just didn't get it quite tight enough.

My first barrel install I did on my Savage came loose and this was a regular notched nut. All of the reading I did said it wasn't necessary to put it back on as tight as factory. It is necessary for it to be on there fairly tight though.

Yeah, I'm thinking that may have been the case. I have no hard feelings toward the gentleman though. He is an elderly man, (which is part of the reason I wanted to use him, to take advantage of his experience), so who knows, I know he probably doesn't have the elbow grease a younger guy would have had. All in all, even if it was just human error, I know that happens as well. I am 100% certain that he meant no harm.
Yeah, I'm thinking that may have been the case. I have no hard feelings toward the gentleman though. He is an elderly man, (which is part of the reason I wanted to use him, to take advantage of his experience), so who knows, I know he probably doesn't have the elbow grease a younger guy would have had. All in all, even if it was just human error, I know that happens as well. I am 100% certain that he meant no harm.
did you get if fixed yet?
Go to Midway and buy a new nut, nut wrench, and an action wrench and fix it yourself.

All of it together will be about $75, and you'll never have to give your gunsmith another dime to screw up your stuff.
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