What cartridges do you load with 8208xbr

Just wondering what cartridges folks are loading 8208xbr with maybe include some starting load data if you like. I'm thinking about using it in a 257 wby.? Thanks to everyone as usual "y'all" were very helpful, lot of good information posted . You folks are awesome thanks Tribb
Thanks again to all very helpful stuff here!!
8208xbr is to fast for your 257 Wby. You will want something between RL22 and H1000 burn rate. I'm running RL22 AND 110 accubonds out of mine.
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Favorite powder for .338 federal with 200gn bullets
Favorite powder in 6mm DTI with 85gn bullets
was my favorite in the .204 before I moved it down the road
Never thought to try it in the 338 as Tac worked great on the first try. XBR works so good in the 6.5Grendel that it is allocated to it.....kinda hard to find these days
I use IMR 8208 in a 6 BR with both the 105 Berger and a 55 gr nosler ballistic tip, 30 BR with 168s, 308 win with 168s.

You can go to Hodgdon's website and enter the cartridge of your choice and see if they list it.

I just looked and many small and midsized cartridges are listed:
204 Ruger, 22 PPC, (no mention of the 22 BR), .223 Rem, 22-250, 6 PPC, 6mm BR, 6mm Dasher 6mm Creedmoor , 243 win, 6mm Rem, 6.5 Grendel, 6.5 Creedmoor, 257 Roberts, 260 Rem, 270 Win, 7-08, 7 x 57, 284 win, .308 Win, 30-06, 8mm mauser, 338-06, 338 Federal, 338 RCM, 35 Remington, (surprisingly not the 358 Win) 35 Whelen, 444 Marlin to name a few.

The 257 Weatherby is not on their list as the case is far too large.

Old thread with some good information.

Looking at the Hodgdon website it looks like a great powder for the 162gr A-Max (ELD) in the 7mm-08
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