What cartridges do you load with 8208xbr

I will not try it in 257
Just my opinion is 8208 burns way to fast for your 257 bee. It works great in small cases 308, 338 fed, 243 ect. If you decide to use it anyway be very careful.
Thanks for all the advice everyone have me. Great people here! Thanks Tribb
I'm trying to track down a pound to give a go in a 17 Remington. I've heard good things about it for the old cartridge!

I suppose I should also give it a try in 6.5 Grendel and 204 Ruger based on al the above feedback!
It's my go to powder for 223, and 6.5 Grendel.

I've burned a good bit of it in the 308 with 168 grainers.
I'm trying to track down a pound to give a go in a 17 Remington. I've heard good things about it for the old cartridge!

I suppose I should also give it a try in 6.5 Grendel and 204 Ruger based on al the above feedback!

~28 grains with a 123 grain bullet of your choice with a CCI 450 is a winning combo in the Grendel.
I used to use it in my 223 ackley, but I hadn't seen it in a while even before the pandemic, so I've moved on. Glad to hear it is still around.
IMR 8208 XBR is the bomb diggity in 223 using 75/77 bullets in most AR guns. It will have an accuracy node at or slightly above book max making it basically the holy grail powder of long range AR shooting. There is a reason it's the only one with a gold label.
.308 Win with 175gr SMKs. It is my current go to powder for my 308 match rifle for NRL Tactical Division matches. 42.1 grains in Federal once fired, annealed, FL sized brass with Federal GMM 210 primers is yielding 2705 FPS, with an ES of 12. Barrel is a 24" Bartlein 1:11.25 twist. It is also an excellent powder in my 5.56mm national Match rifle with 24grains of XBR and 77gr SMKs, getting 2845 FPS and very accurate. In fact, I wish I had about another 40 lbs of XBR sitting on my shelf. I really like this powder. Only caveat is watch for pressure signs and always work up your load. Apparently this stuff will go full ****** on you in a hurry.
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