What cartridges do you load with 8208xbr

I use it a while back for 129g interlocks in 6.5 Grendel and for 180g interlocks in .308. I use 2460 for those two loads now; a little better velocity and I can buy it directly from Hogdon.
6x45 with 60 thru 80 grain bullets, 308 with 150 grain bullets. I have played a little with the 22-250 with 8208. 204 Ruger 39 grain Sierra.
Just my opinion is 8208 burns way to fast for your 257 bee. It works great in small cases 308, 338 fed, 243 ect. If you decide to use it anyway be very careful.
Just wondering what cartridges folks are loading 8208xbr with maybe include some starting load data if you like. I'm thinking about using it in a 257 wby.?
6.5 Grendel
29.6 grains of powder
20,000 off the lands
100 gr Lapua BTHP
Lapua brass
CCI SRM primers
M.V. 2818
20" Proof Research barrels
. 335" 3 shot group at 200 yrds
I'm using it in a 243 with a 69 gr absolute hammer. 39.5 grains (above max) for 3200 in a 16" barrel. Not an ideal powder but I had it on hand.
223/55gr and 220gr and lighter in 35 Whelen, so far.
Planning to use it when I get a 6x45. Should work in the 7mm tcu also.
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