What can be done with poachers on game cams??

Hang up signs "Danger, Keep out, severe body injuries may occur on this property"

then use 40 lb test fishing line with #6 Gamakatsu Octopus hooks to fishook the trails
Hang up signs "Danger, Keep out, severe body injuries may occur on this property"

then use 40 lb test fishing line with #6 Gamakatsu Octopus hooks to fishook the trails
I wonder how bad a deer would tear itself apart with that setup. Maybe fish and game could use his own trail cameras as evidence for illegal trapping using fish hooks and line..... how embarrassing would that be?

Yeah, might not be the best plan of action for many reasons.

I know if I wanted to hurt someone over trespassing, I would be man enough to do it in person. Get his vehicle plate number and image if you can, then you can find their address. Send them a letter letting them know you have video of trespassing and to stop.... they will stop. They are no longer anonymous.
Counter with a trail cam of your own, set up and hidden. Take the pictures to city or government council and see about getting some action. The elected officials should look into it, and take some type of action it they want to stay in office. I would also think that the law would have to get warrant to place that devise on private property.
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