What’s your spookiest hunting experience?

#1 In the late 1970's a friend and I drove to Idaho from Colorado to hunt Bighorn Sheep in one of the Montana unlimited tag units. We backpacked in from the Idaho side about 6 miles into the Unit. On the hike in we saw numerous posted signs warning of Grizzly bear activity in the area. Opening morning, we split up and hiked opposite sides of the drainage to glass the opposite mountain sides and agreed to meet back at camp at dark. At dusk I began to hike the 2 miles back to camp. About a mile down the main trail back, I ran across a tree that was freshly clawed up and started at about 8 feet high. On high alert, I got another 30 or so yards down the trail there was a very large and very fresh pile of bear scat in the trail. I was on higher alert and watching my back constantly turning around as I walked. About the 3 time I rotated around, a grouse flew up with thunderous wing flaps at my feet behind me an grazed my backside. I'm positive I broke the world record for the mile back to camp.

#2 I arrived at my elk camp spot in Unit 36 in Colorado early enough to set up camp and do some hunting before my nephew was to arrive after dark. I was making my way back to camp just before dark. About 200 yards from the camper, I stepped into a 15 foot diameter cluster of small aspens surrounded by a meadow of 4 foot tall grass and did a couple soft cow calls. About 30 seconds later at 80 yards or so, I saw the grass parting and something running fast right at me. I drew my bow just as a beautiful, young black and gold bear came out of the last cover of grass and stopped about 10 feet away and stared at me. I had a bear tag, but he turned and disappeared into the grass just as fast as he came in.

#3 I was archery hunting elk in Colorado Unit 50 and hiked a game trail in the dark up toward a ridge. When I got close to where I wanted to be, I decided to sit and wait for some shooting light before I continued. After about 15 minutes I could see a bit of my surroundings. Right about then I heard a noise behind me. When I turned slowly to look, I could see the face of Bigfoot standing there at 20 yards staring at me. When I put my flashlight on it it was this face in a tree. It startled me at first and had to wait for more light to get this photo.

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I guess in the low light that would scare the mud out of a hunter. 😳
In the dark, Grouse in the woods or wide open prairie have made me do the "run in place" scooby doo run many times
Walking in dark, REAL dark, Missouri woods turkey hunting . Everything completely still and a Whip poor will goes off maybe 10 feet away! I must have gone 6 feet in the air, gun goes another direction, seat flies in another direction! Of course, it didn't help that the night before I had watched a special on MoMo, the Missouri monster (Missouri's Bigfoot).
That was in the mid-70's and I'm not sure at all that I've ever fully recovered from that. The night woods still gives me the creeps!
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Reminds me of wifey #2.. Couldn't cook but could sew,
She might have been my prom date. She was a little heavier back then, but she fit in the back of my truck nicely. I think she went about 350 pounds back then. But in all fairness, she would have made 400 if she hadn't had that left leg amputated at the hip.
Did she ever mention me? I was nice enough to bring a tarp since it was raining that night. 🤣🤣
She might have been my prom date. She was a little heavier back then, but she fit in the back of my truck nicely. I think she went about 350 pounds back then. But in all fairness, she would have made 400 if she hadn't had that left leg amputated at the hip.
Did she ever mention me? I was nice enough to bring a tarp since it was raining that night. 🤣🤣

I dated a girl with a wooden leg for a while. Eventually I broke it off.