What’s your favorite big game hunt ?

So what is your absolute favorite big game hunt? The one that you tell everyone they MUST go on! Lets hear details; species, location, outfitter or DIY, successful or not, going back, etc.
I have been on a number of different hunts and want to start thinking about the next adventure
Elk & Deer
I loved my days moose hunting up in the NW corner of Saskatchewan. Thankfully, multiple trips up there, incredible country, people, and animals! At home here, hard to beat turkey in the spring woods!
I have more hunts behind me than ahead of me. Today one of my favorite hunts is whitetail deer in MN - I hunt right on the Canadian border. I love that hunt. I know the routine. I know the guys I hunt with. I love the shack life in MN - the saunas, the wood stove blasting heat when it is near zero or sometimes below zero, a cold beer by the campfire - the experience itself is more important than the deer.
I saw someone resurrected this thread; I read my answer back in 2021 but clipped out everything but my comment on deer hunting in MN. I never again hunted whitetails in MN at the shack mentioned above; my hunting buddy ending his life Oct 27 of that year. In another week, I will mark the third anniversary of his death. I miss him dearly.
Sorry for your loss, I too go to Northern MN every year for the deer season. For me the main reason is to walk the trails and sit the stands that Dad and I did for so many year before he passed.

I still go, generally an open seat on my stand if you follow me...

Hope you can return one of these Novembers, won't be easy but I doubt you'll regret it either.