What’s your spookiest hunting experience?

Two years ago I got run over by another boat after dark while duck hunting. I had my lights on and did all I could to get out of his way. Turned out he had a fellow sitting in the front seat but turned around backward. So no one could see straight ahead. The front of his boat hit my motor, jumped up and hit me in the side of the head. It knocked me out of the boat and into the water. Probably a good thing because my motor, seat, and left gunnel had prop marks on them where their boat had gone over mine. It was 28 degrees, the water was over 10ft deep with swift current. Thank goodness I had my wader belt pulled tight and had my jacket tight over my waders. Even so the waders were still filling up with water. But they did have some air pockets trapped that helped me keep my head above the surface. When I popped up I was looking for a log or limb downstream that I could grab because I knew I was at the mercy of the current. As luck would have it, my motor had stayed in gear and at idle. It circled 3 times before it got close enough for me to grab the side and hang on. Finally the guys that ran me over drove back around and used their boat to push me and my boat to the bank where I crawled out. My lab was licking me in the face when I came out of the water. Fortunately all I had was a mild concussion. I'll have to say it spooked me pretty good. Thankfully I seem to have the ability to stay calm in situations like this and not panic.

In another duck hunting story. I was sitting in my boat before daylight after I put my decoys out. A seriously overloaded boat came into the straightaway I was on. 3 adults, 1 dog, and a bunch of gear in a tiny johnboat. All of a sudden it disappeared as the boat hit a small stump and tipped. I ran my boat to them immediately. They all had waders full of water and could barely stay up. To say I loaded them like dogs would be an understatement. I just reached down and grabbed them by the jacket collar and seats of their waders and hauled them over the side. They were extremely lucky. They lost a lot of gear but nobody got hurt.
I will say that after all of this I generally wear a float coat when I'm in the boat duck hunting. Especially when running to and from the blind.

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