What’s happening to LRH?

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Wait, what? Him too? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

hope he's with Mud and the rest of the boys...

Yup, there was even a thread about it started by other members petitioning LRH to bring him back. Len closed that thread haha.

I really enjoyed mudrunners (shooting/reloading/gun) post, but I think he started watching too much infowars.

It was a blast (sorry @FEENIX ) watching him and FEENIX go at it. But mudrunner was getting away from shooting stuff and saying some off the wall comments. I understand why he got the boot.
Yup, there was even a thread about it started by other members petitioning LRH to bring him back. Len closed that thread haha.

I really enjoyed mudrunners (shooting/reloading/gun) post, but I think he started watching too much infowars.

It was a blast (sorry @FEENIX ) watching him and FEENIX go at it. But mudrunner was getting away from shooting stuff and saying some off the wall comments. I understand why he got the boot.

It's all good. I remember those exchanges and accusations that I was targeting him when he gets called out. L:DL! There's nothing wrong with exploring our differences, expressing our opinions, just don't push it and let the end-users make the final decision, and be civil and respectful of others in the process. PEACE!
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I have been an active participant on this site for over ten years. While I will on occasion visit a few other sites, this is my site of choice by a wide margin, with frequent participation. Hats off to Len for figuring out the "optimum" formula for a differentiated, and successful forum. I agree that the site has changed over the years, which for me, was somewhat expected. It's likely that the number of participants have more then tripled since the earlier days, and the percentage of "ads" have gone up quite a bit. While I have to work harder to sift through the posts, I'm still learning and finding threads that are no less stimulating then in the earlier days. The content has evolved as the market for LRH has expanded....less basics....more about new technology/products, and general long range shooting. Being no spring chicken myself, I do miss many of the well seasoned posters of the early years.....this seems to be no different then my other involvements in local clubs, ranges, etc. It's hard to slow down the hands of time.

Sometimes I wonder if all "hunters" truly understand how learning and mastering long range shooting capability plays into the hunting equation. IMO, it is a very valuable "tool" in the bag that can increase ultimate success. My goal isn't to make the longest shot possible, but to harvest the best game animal possible. You may not always shoot your animal at long range, but by adapting your hunting approach to allow for LR capability, you can expose yourself to more and better animals by expanding the "scope" of your hunting process. Don't get me wrong. I'm as gratified at making a long shot on game as anybody, and I have successfully taken my share of game out past 1000+ yards, but my average distance of game(50+ animals) shot over the past 10 years is a relatively small increase(approx.300 to 500 yards). I'm convinced greatest benefit is that the number of bigger and better animals harvested has gone up significantly over the past ten years by expanding my effective range, and the "mentality" that I'm capable of making a long shot. I'm spotting better animals at longer ranges then past years, but not "always" shooting them at that range due to uncertainty of conditions. You then have to use hunting skills and knowledge to make that shot more certain. My three best game animals were initially lined up at 800-1200 yards. There were ultimately shot at less then half that distance. As a result, my mid range have increased. My primary interest in participating on this site is to constantly seek to improve my long range "hit certainty". Participating and cherry picking the knowledge on this site has and will continue to be invaluable, and be one of the primary vehicles to achieve this. Just some thoughts.
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His game...bc he did one crappy mission in peace time, it's all of a sudden his game. Forums evolve to hopefully drown out cancer like that.

You can't be on snipers hide without someone pulling out a measuring tape.

I don't see anything "wrong" with LRH. I see a lot more talk about gear and sharing hunting stories then the two mixing. Len tries to keep it on track with his articles, but guys want to talk about what they want to talk about.

Low light is a toolbox
This is easy. I've been amazed/appalled at the number of replies to ignorant questions here. If you really want to improve the signal to noise ratio, DON'T respond to stupid questions. If you don't feed them, they'll go find another forum.
Well, I have been around this forum for a good part of it's existence, and I am a friend of Len's. I kind of backed away from all forums for awhile. Took a partial sabbatical. I would post every once in awhile, but not like I used to. I am back and it feels good to be back. Things change. We change. The industry changes. Social media has changed things as well. The longest kill I have had on a big game animal in the last 12 months is just past 600 yards. I just haven't had the desire to be consistently in the ELR hunting mind set. Maybe that will change, maybe it won't. Enjoy the things you love doing at distance, and share them with others.
First, I want to say that this is one of the best forums in the internet. It truly is a wealth of knowledge concerning all things long range shooting/hunting. I've been on here for quite awhile (~10 years) but recently I've noticed quite the change in the thread content and topics. Seems like the focus has been shifting more and more away from long range hunting/shooting to just simple general hunting and gun stuff...nothing really wrong with that but it seems to be driving the focus away from the prerogative of the site, and what drew me (and I'm sure others) here to begin with. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I want this site to remain the authority on long range hunting and continue to be the treasure trove that it is. Currently, however, I feel like we're really diluting the resource. Rant over.
Why do so many people follow professional sports?
It's just simple numbers. Guys who can actually, reliably, pull off the long distance shots are relatively few and far between. Fewer than those who attempt and fail. The people who are real long range marksmen are the fighter pilots and astronauts of the shooting world. Most of us will never be all that, and yet we are attracted to what they have to say, because that is the gold standard for what we do, and we can all dream. So we come here and look in amazement at what it is possible for humans to do. And by association, we steal a little glory. And, being human, we put in our two cents. When you consider what it takes to put a bullet in the right spot at great distances, it's just incredible. And so, the forum ends up like the rest of the world, a few exceptional people floating in a sea of the average.
The thing that bugs me (and am guilty of this myself), is some members should just skip hitting the reply button. A member will ask about buying/building a rifle in cartridge X or Y, for some stated reason as to why the choice is only between those to cartridges. And someone will chime in that he has never owned or shot X or Y, but should really get Z.
If you don't have experience or useful knowledge about some things, just skip replying. Too much useless info yo read through to get the good stuff.
Over the years I have learned to pick and choose and follow the advise of certain members on here. We all know who thry are.
I'm on other forums, but spend most of my time on this one.
I am not a LRH... not because I wouldn't like to be, it's just that the terrain here doesn't allow for it. I'm lucky to get a chance to shoot out to 400 mtrs. There is only one range near me that allows for 300 mtr target shooting. To get to the point though, is that I have learned much about so many related topics... rifles, scopes, windage, ballistics, cartridges... the list goes on. I am thankful for ALL of the input whether it is directly related to LRH or not, and so for me ALL of the valid info you guys share on the Forum is appreciated. Sooner or later I hope to put some of that good LRH knowledge to use. Thanks all! :D
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I agree with the OP, not quite the same. I've been a member for 10 years and been reading several more than that. This use to be a site where not only did guys push their limits, but push THE limits. With all the new gucci gear (like LRF, ballistic calculators, bullet/powder technology, etc) I would really expect more. Now a days if I were to post on here that I'm going to break the 1500 yard limit on a deer, I would expect guys to tell me how unethical (that devil of a word) it is and how I do not "respect" the animal. It is still the best site on the internet and about the only one I partake in, I just skip over 99% of it until I see something that peaks interest. Other sites like "the hide" get skimmed over when I'm bored, but that is only to see what new cool guy gear is out there. That way I know what to expect these young Soldiers coming through my course to bring to try to get a leg up.

I suggest you take the shot past 1500, video it, post about it, take pictures of the carcass, and let the chips fall were they may.

Ppl may call you out for being "unethical" but, what is "ethical" about a projectile that is going faster than the speed of sound slamming into organic matter vs. another projectile going a fraction of the speed as seen in bow hunting?
LRH is a very good source for shooting long range. I, along with many, pick out what info fits our needs. Without the right equipment, the right loads, the correct techniques you have little chance of shooting accurate at 500+ yards. my goal is to be confident in being accurate at any distance. Every small detail adds up. It is a slow process, a little added knowledge benefits over time. I struggle with reading the wind more than anything else.
This is a great site. I joined a year ago but have really just been a lurker. I've been a member of several other forms over the years, including one where I was a longtime sponsor and had some 20000 posts. I can confirm that forums do change, but a lot of perceived change is simply confirmation bias. You always have an influx of newbs with the laundry list of newb questions and everyone's tolerance level for these questions is different. At my old haunt I could look at the title of a thread and pretty much exactly how the responses were going to go- it was time to move on. I joined that forum for information and got sucked in. I think that when I had absorbed a large amount of the available information, my tolerance level for the repetitive questions decreased. It will be a long time before I'm at that point with this forum!
I have been a member for about 6 years now. Still a newbie relative to some of those on the site. I have learned a bunch, and even contributed a little here and there. I thought it would be a good opportunity to reach out to those members who have actually participated in long range hunting/shooting and remind them that many that troll and participate on this site are flatlanders like myself. We have a voracious appetite to learn about what really goes on in areas of the country where real long range hunting opportunities actually exist, and where having those skills can make the difference between having success or not. In Michigan, where I am from originally, a 200 yard shot on a deer is fairly rare, and I would guess that most hunters haven't had the need to take that shot. IN Texas, where I currently reside, a 300-400 yard shot would be outside of the norm. My point being, at the cost of an Elk hunt these days, and the amount of time it could take to actually secure a tag where you want to hunt, there isn't a lot of opportunity for 'on the job training'. I have been accumulating preference points for a couple of years and when I do get to go Elk hunting, I want to know that I did everything that I could from where I am to be ready to harvest an elk. So, even if the seasoned participants feel like they are repeating themselves and answer the same old questions, over and over, remember that guys like me are very appreciative of the information. You guys are the test bed for new gear in real conditions, that includes everything from bullets to boots! Thanks for continuing to support the site.
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