A trick for new comers or those of us that have seen previous threads is,,, capitaliz-ing the info your looking for, then add Lens long range hunting and shooting behind it...
Sometime it works since there are usually 2 to 7 related threads that might pop up...
Other sources I follow are Gun Nuts,,, 6mm BR / Accurate Shooter,,, this forum fore-sure,,, and my Lead (s) in F Class that live close by...
It would be foolish for me to not take in what they share freely,,, my good friend has a wall full of awards along with enough milling and lathes to build everything and anything...
There are 3 custom barrel makers and 7 gun smiths with in my 100 mile zone,,, deffinatly a plus...
A real benefit in the shooting and hunting activities is teaming up with those that live close by,,, sharing information between each other really improves the good times...
Even if its only once in a while,,, its hard to beat a real face to face bond that can fast track things...
I spend alot of time at our shooting range,,, it dosen't take long to pick out the folks with top notch shooting skills...
When the time is """right,""" introduced your self and ask informative questions,,, all of them will share the little tricks that we want to learn more about...
Fast tracking is a real bouns...
Cheers from the North