"Another example of this was the 280 Remington. they later changed it to 280 Remington express . sales still did not improve. so Remington came up with the magic name 7 mm Remington Magnum and sales sky rocked."
Segue back to the first practicable commercial radio receivers, their receivers were tuned by components which "heterodyned" the incoming signal--essentially a beat-frequency-oscillator, rendering it viable. Heterodyne was not particularly a big hit with the buying public, thus was born the Superheterodyne radio. A smashing success. In commerce, you just have to have a gimmick!
"Another example of this was the 280 Remington. they later changed it to 280 Remington express . sales still did not improve. so Remington came up with the magic name 7 mm Remington Magnum and sales sky rocked."
Segue back to the first practicable commercial radio receivers, their receivers were tuned by components which "heterodyned" the incoming signal--essentially a beat-frequency-oscillator, rendering it viable. Heterodyne was not particularly a big hit with the buying public, thus was born the Superheterodyne radio. A smashing success. In commerce, you just have to have a gimmick!