Wanting to possibly build a custom muzzleloader

well the furthest we can shoot is 400 yards but id be happy with a 300 yard muzzleloader.

I'll say this, if you do go with a custom you'll be one happy hunter/shooter. The just flat out quality of a custom build is amazing and you'll wonder how the heck they can even sell production rifles. It'll become your favorite. And 200yds instantly becomes a chip shot. If the buck of a lifetime presents itself at 375yds and the conditions are right, you'll have a new mount to display.

I know, its expensive and the expense never ends, but its so much cheaper to do it right the first time. Good luck with your decision.
i will throw this out there you can buy a CVA scout in 45/70 and have a breech plug put in it a easy 200 yd gun and 300 is doable they are very accurate and probably be around 650 completed with a custom you can shoot heavier loads and stech the effective range on out there
This is a 300 yard group with a gun built by LR Customs.

My buddy had one built and got same results.


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I built my own smokeless rifle off a Savage action. Shot it a good number of years before regs opened up here and I now use a rifle during regular season. Easily took deer to 400 yards. Easy as re-barreling any Savage. The tricky part is the breech plug system and obtaining that part, and a barrel to match.
well the furthest we can shoot is 400 yards but id be happy with a 300 yard muzzleloader.

Unless you just want a Custom, and a Reason to DUMP a Bunch of Money? You don't need a Custom to GET R DONE ;) This is me and my BONE STOCK Knight Mountaineer, .45 Cal 1:20 Twist at 600 Yards, I was shooting Swiss Real Blackpowder, And BIG Lead here (Paper Patch Bullets)

My little "Hotrod Hawken" Sidelock, .45 Cal Green Mountain LRH Barrel with 1:30 Twist. This was just a pinch over 500 Yards here, and Back when i first got Started at Longer Ranges, This was with OPEN/PEEP Sights :lewis: Sidelock Muzzleloaders are EXTREMELY CAPABLE, They need a Quality "Drop in" Barrel, And a Sight Setup.

505 Yards with my Leica Rangefinder

Give you an idea of Target size, Target is LARGE so i could see it, and obtain the Same sight picture, this is maybe 75 Yards from it, looking back up the hill at it after i had Set it up, Now to Drive Back Around and "Send" BIG Lead at it :)

And a View from the Target, Looking back at my Truck, Shooting Bench is setup at the Drivers Door

This was actually my VERY 1ST attempt at Longer Distances with OPEN/PEEP Sights, Swing the Tape up to the 3rd Hole Just Above and My 3 Shot Group measured 7 inches on the Dot. This was a Confidence Booster, i knew i could do this, and was confident i would get better and better at it with More Practice, In Which i have :)

Just a pic showing the Type of Bullets i was Using here, but not these exact ones, These are From a Custom Bullet mold i had Made, 420 Grains, Paper Patched. The Bullets i used above were Buffalo Arms .444-400 Cupped Base Paper Patch

The Bullets Before Patched, Slicks, with a Cupped Base

Here i have them Patched up, and Ready for "Take Off" ;)

BIG Lead Hits with AUTHORITY! It is SMASHED Flat at these Distances, Razor Thin. Pieces of Lead i found behind the Target against a Big Rock
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