Wanting to build a rifle for F-Class

The Lapua 154 Scenar, Berger 155.5 Fullbore, and the Sierra 155 'Palma' Matchking are all good bullets, and will all fly just fine. I'm running the B155.5BTs for FCWC (actually, the whole US F/TR team is) and probably for FCNC in two months or so, but I also have a whole bunch of S155MKs on order for winter practice with my Palma rifle. They all work good - find which one works in your rifle, but don't spend too much time dithering over one having a fractionally higher BC or shooting a gnat's *** tighter 3-shot group one time - get a load that shoots 1/2 minute or better, and go play in the wind. After you spend some time on the line in matches, you'll be able to better appreciate (and evaluate) your loads.
Thanks for the info guys. I really appreciate it.

Just to let it be known what I decided on:
I sent the rifle off to Krieger about a month ago, for:
a level 2 action truing
rebarrel with a fluted heavy target contour
Thanks for the info guys. I really appreciate it. Definitely gonna try some 155gr. bullets.

Just to let it be known what I decided on:
I sent the rifle off to Krieger about a month ago, for:
1) a level 2 action truing
2) rebarrel with a 26" fluted heavy target contour, 11" twist, match chamber
3) glass bed stock

I'll top it with a Leupold custom shop 6.5-20x40mm VX3 long range with TMR reticle and M1 turrets on a Badger 20MOA base and Burris XTR 30mm rings. Same as in the picture of my 7mm STW. Put in a Jewel trigger. Load some 155gr. something or others and let 'em loose.

Only 4 to 5 more months of waiting.
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